Chapter 4

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I wake up in the middle of the night feeling a bit thirsty and see that I'm in an unfamiliar room. I remember that I slept at Steve's place for the night. So, I get up and walk over to where I think is the kitchen but accidently hit my foot on something. "Ow!" I say loudly which wakes Steve up. "What happened?" he asks me shield in hand. "Nothing, just hit my foot. Nothing to go into military mode on." I say leaning on what I think is a table rubbing my foot. He walks over to me turning on the lamp and I see I almost made it to the kitchen. I must've hit my foot on the wall of the counter.

Steve helps me sit on top of the counter by picking me up. He grabs my foot and checks it out, "Your foot seems to be fine." he says to me, "Can you walk?". "I can try." I say as I get off the counter and he backs up a little. I try to take a step with the foot that hurts but it hurts so I fall into Steve's muscular arms and blush. "Guess I can't walk. At the moment." I say giggling a little looking up at Steve. "No, guess you can't. I'll carry you back in the room." Steve says trying to pick me up. "Wait, I came in here to get water and I'm not leaving till I get a drink!" I say as he starts to pick me up. He smiles and helps me up on the counter. Then he goes to the kitchen, grabs a glass and fills it with water giving it to me. Once I finish the water I put the glass in the sink behind me and Steve picks me up bridal style. My arms are wrapped around his neck and I blush at his touch.

He lays me on the bed carefully and starts to leave, "Wait, Steve, can you stay here with me tonight?" I ask him before he could walk out the door. "Yeah, let me just turn off the light." he says almost walking out when I turn off the light with my telekinesis. He chuckles a little and I scoot to the left and he lays next to me. I lay back with my head on his chest, because this is a narrow bed, and his arm draped around me. His body heat radiates off of him warming me up in a matter of minutes. I admit, when I first met Steve, he was pretty cute but I had no feelings towards him. But I guess they started to grow a little more each minute. I feel sleep take over me so I embrace the warmness and fall asleep.


When I wake up I check the time first and it says 8:45. I never usually wake up at this time but I have no option having that S.H.I.E.L.D. is trying to hunt us down. I look to my right and see Steve still sleeping peacefully. Then I remember that I asked him to stay with me over night. I feel his arm still draped around my waist and I blush. I feel his chest against me as he breathes in and out. The warmth of his body still radiates to me. Even though I'd love to stay in his arms until he wakes up, we have to go investigate further information on this flash drive. "Steve, wake up." I say softly but he doesn't wake up. "Steve!" I say a little louder trying to get him out of his deep slumber. "STEVE!" that time I yelled and he woke up and fell of the bed and groaned in pain. I laugh as I start to get up, "What the fuck was that?" I ask still giggling uncontrollably. "Hey, watch your mouth." Steve says from the floor and raises his hand for me to help him up. I have to admit even though I cuss a lot, I like the way he corrects me. It's cute! I grab his hand, and as they connect I feel a little spark between us, then he pulls me down making me fall on top of him.

"Hey!" I say pulling midway off on top of his chest, giggling.

"You deserved it for waking me up the way you did." he says chuckling his arms around my waist.

I smile and he smiles back next thing you know is we stare into each others eyes and our smiles fade a little. I get lost in those blue eyes of his and I never leave eye contact. I see him start to lean in and I lean too, is it weird that I wanna kiss him. Does he wanna kiss me? Does he even like me? Our lips were centimeters from touching when I get up and say and blush, "Well, we better get going, huh?" he looks up at me a little sad. "Yeah, we should." he says and gets up. I wait for him in the living room and he comes out in a brown-grayish jacket with a hood, a blue baseball cap, and dark jeans. "Ok, let's go." he says I nod and follow him to the my place and he takes his shield, which I don't get but it seems like people don't care.

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