4 || Job & Him

956 12 28

A/N: that's me in the pic, so... Time for some... ✨Sadness✨

The story will now go like piggy story, some of the dialogues and other stuff.

And! I'll probably not follow the dialogues of the story rp of pghlfilms or piggy because i don't remember all of the them, so i gotta improvise! :)

Mention of Injuries & blood


[ Y/n / POV]


oday was a normal day, i was sitting in my chair and making paper work in my office, and drinking some coffee, I didn't start the morning VERY well. The time just flies just like flash, And i forgot to tell that I'm a police officer, i don't why being a police officer job attracted my attention but now I'm here, working as the hero of the world or whatever...

Doggy told us he got a free day so, gotta make all the paperwork with poley, You may ask where is moon and her brother well they are still living with me in the same apartment, i don't have any bother to live with them they are funny, calm, and the thing i love about them is they always are there for me.

[ Time skip cuz 😐 ]

-"The left one has a really important thing that i didn't even read it so. You gotta get in charge of that"-

-"K, anyways, Y/N how are you doin'? Did the things went good or pretty bad?"-

-"still the same. But some things has changed a little bit,I heard that a guy named pghlfilms became famous and he's breaking the laws of the universe I think...? But he's doing some chaos around the city."-

-"Cool i guess, and my question is... How did he even made that suit? Oh wait- yup, he break the laws of the universe and phisics isn't?"-

-"Yes- and we should end this paperwork soon because i don't want to suffer..."-

-"Me too- auughhh- anyways got something to tell me?"-

I didn't bother tell poley about my life he always got something to talk about, so the place isn't boring or awkward. He always was a kind person with anyone except with a guy named Pink-poley? I don't remember his name, but meh.

-"So i told the guy that he shouldn't be mad about it. And he went mad at me for saying that"-

-"Damn, our job sucks a little bit isn't?"-

-"Yeah... But there's a good thing about it, that you know all of the laws and other stuff."-

-"... Poley all of the people knows that you idio-"-

We were interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing and poley looked at me with the face "You answer" i looked at him with a slight glare but i went to answer the phone.

-"9-1-1, what's the emergency?"-

-"yes, Two kids went missing and the parents are so worried about them, the parents needs the police to find them"-

-"Oh, okay, sir can you tell me about the names of the two kids?"-

-"Mandy mouse and Georgie pig"-

(Idk if Mandy is a kid or an adult i will change it)

-"ok thanks sir, tell the parents that we will find the kids, and- oh i almost forgot,Could you tell me where the kids were last seen?"-

|Pghlfilms x male!reader| (finished)Where stories live. Discover now