7 || A Future.

676 10 28

A/N: I decided to change my write style btw.


I don't remembered the dialogues of the chapter 12, sorry for that, so i need to improve.



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Pghlfilms said and Y/N smiles, until Zizzy and pony came.

"so, are you two ready to go?"
Zizzy said and pghlfilms stands up from the seat.

(I forgor to write in the other chapter that they were sitting in the couch-)

"Yup! Y/N are you ready?"
Pghlfilms asks and Y/N looks at him.

"Yes I am. Let's kick his-"

Pghlfilms looks at Y/N with a face of "don't swear" Y/N just stands up and they walked to the tunnel, by the way they're going to the outpost.

[Time skip]

Zizzy,Pony, Y/N and Pghlfilms were now in the outpost, they looked everywhere and it was clear, strange...

"Strange... I feel like this place is kinda suspicious"
Zizzy said and she started walking with pony.

"Yeah... Where are the infected?"
Pghlfilms asks and looks at Y/N.

"Dunno... But it's better because I don't want to deal with them..."

"Same... Anyways we should check the place, we're gonna stay here if there's an infected around!"
Zizzy says and Pony nods at her words, pghlfilms and Y/N nodded in agreement and they go to investigate the place, the place was quite, and the ambient was slightly... Scary... Y/N was walking around and he founds a big metal door.

'hm... Looks like Mr.P is here... I should tell Films'

Y/N through and he goes to find pghlfilms, he was walking until pghlfilms was flying (??) From an infected, He was screaming like he does in his videos every time he gets an jumpscare. *Cough* anyways moving on Y/N calls Pghlfilms and Pghlfilms stops flying and he stood there looking at Y/N with an face of "what happened?"

"I found a big metal door, and I think that Mr.P is there, should we-"
"Open it? Yes. If that metal door is there probably Mr.P is there"

Pghlfilms said quickly and starts flying again, Y/N stood there looking at Pghlfilms, and he starts walking to get the tools, he found himself with an infected again... But this time the infected was walking fast has hell, he needs to run now, he quickly got the item in his hands and starts running away.


Y/N huffs and took a deep breathe.
Then he felt someone precense, then a hand touched his shoulder and he tries to hit the person with his fist it got stopped with one hand and it was just pghlfilms again...

|Pghlfilms x male!reader| (finished)Where stories live. Discover now