Part 1: Subject change !!NSFW!!

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My best friend Evelyn was coming over today... I had somewhat of a small crush on her

I hear a knock on the door " It must be Evelyn!" I open the door to welcome my tall friend.. Tall and pretty.. and about a D cup size ".. Oh! Hi Marie!" She said in a soft yet cheerful voice "Hello! C-Come in." I say, sounding a bit nervous "Your room is so cool! I see your books.. any specific genre you're into?" Evelyn asks me "Mostly fiction romance.. nothing much else." I Notice Evelyn going up to the bookshelf and grabbing a book "This cover is uh... interesting.. I can tell this one is more of a mature subject." She says with a small blush "Haha.. yea that book actually makes me feel kinda lonely.." Evelyn looked at me up and down after I said that.. judgement stare maybe..I walk over to the living room to grab a new shirt right as I take my shirt off Evelyn walks in "Hey I was wondering— uhh.." She stared at me for a good 5 seconds "Umm.. H-Hi! I'm just uh.. changing.." I say blushing hardly
Evelyn sprints back over to my room. "Hey sorry about that back there." I say softly "It's ok! Stuff like that happens at least once in your life." Evelyn says with a friendly smile "Anyways I just really needed to talk to you about family problems and stuff like that.." I say with a shaky voice. Evelyn gestures for me to come sit next to her "What's been on your mind?" She says while looking down at me " Well ever since I came out to my family things hadn't been good, my dad just hates being around me and my mom just doesn't speak to me at all... I just feel like I've failed them as a daughter.." I feel myself tearing up. I feel Evelyn's arms wrap around me "you're on the same path huh?" She says while rubbing my head "Huh?" "I'm lesbian Marie.. I just didn't tell you sooner because I was scared of losing you..I mean we've been friends since 2nd grade and the both of us being 21 now that's.. that's a lot of time we've spent with each other.. I couldn't risk losing that." Eveyln explains. I felt my body heating up..maybe I did have a chance with her, probably
not though haha.. "Are you crying?" She says with a worried look on her face "yea..I'm just still thinking about what's happening in my relationship between my parents was good until I came out to them..I -I just feel like a failure.." I explained while crying a bit harder. I feel something warm touch my cheek.. Oh my god.. It's Evelyn! "Oh Marie... It's the same for me.. but on the bright side we've got each other.. and.. uh.." We both stare at each
other's lips "Can I do something.. it'll be quick.." Evelyn nods. I slowly get closer to her face and soon enough our lips are touching.. her hands against my waist slowly moving up then I feel something touching my right breast, I let out a faint moan "Woah! Sorry.." Evelyn said, causing us to break the kiss "no no... keep going" I say with my face completely red. I take off my shirt revealing myself in only a bra. "Do you want me to unhook it?" Evelyn asks "please.." She unhooked my bra revealing my small-ish breasts. Evelyn slowly moves down and starts sucking on my left breast " Mm..Fuck..." I moan. As Evelyn is there sucking I can hear her faint moaning and it's making me really horny. I decide to move my hand down and start rubbing myself , Evelyn notices my hand and takes her mouth off my chest "Need a little help with that?"Evelyn says while moving my hand. Before I know it she sticks her middle and ring fingers into my vagina "AH FUCK!!" I start moaning like crazy sooner than later. I feel something wet spewing out of my vagina "I'll give you some relief.." I notice Evelyn taking off her shirt and bra then revealing her breasts. I run my fingers through her somewhat medium length hair and I start gently kissing her neck "Marie.. you don't have to be so gentle y'know.." Evelyn explains in a calm voice "I'm just starting off gently just to get you eased into this mkay?" I say while moving my hand to Evelyn's inner thigh. I start softly rubbing the sides of her vagina then I make my move and enter her hole. Once I did that she started to moan louder "Ah!! Fuck!! I feel it coming!!" Soon enough Enough Evelyn came onto my hands. The both of us lay there panting really hard "Jeez I haven't felt this alive in years!!" I exclaimed "Me neither.." We both look at each other and we get closer to each other's mouths soon enough we touch lips again but this time I decided to have my tongue enter Evelyn's mouth soon enough the both of us were twisting tongues "I- I love you.." I tell her "I love you too.." Evelyn says kissing me once again "We probably should get changed." She says with a chuckle. I agree. Once we get changed I bring Evelyn over to the door to say goodbye "Y'know I'm glad I finally fulfilled something I've wanted to do for years.. and heck it's even better since I did it with you!!" She looked the happiest I've ever seen her "I'll see you at work tomorrow.. Bye Marie." Me and Evelyn work at the local zoo. I work in the marine area and she works with reptiles. She gives me a warm kiss on the forehead. I started to blush like crazy. I waved to her as she drove off, after that I go back upstairs to my apartment room I go into my work room and start doing research of a new octopus species that is in the marine area of the zoo to get my mind off of stuff  and then I look up at A picture of me and Evelyn on the wall.

Thank you for making my life so great Evelyn

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