Its time... (Part 2)

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Marie's POV:
I get into the car with Evelyn and start driving. My parents house is about 45 minutes away. "Nervous?" Evelyn asks. "Yea... but this could be good for us.. my parents are always texting me to help me change but I never listen, why would I even want to but this can finally be a way to show them that I won't change.." I said while trying to focus on the road "You have a really good point.." Evelyn said while kissing my cheek.

Once we get to my parents house I nervously knock on the door. "Hi Marie." My mom said with a fierce tone. Before this point I've never heard my mom physically speak to me in years. "Marie! Good to see you,and is that.. Evelyn? Your childhood friend?" My dad said.. in a nice tone? He seems more lively. "Yes! It's Evelyn. And I'm here to talk about her.. I mean well the both of us if im being honest." As I said that my mom looked suspicious.. and my dad just looked curious for some reason. "Well anyways come in girls!" My dad said while making space in the doorway.

We all sit down at the dinner table and start discussing. "So.. don't freak out but... Me and Evelyn are.. Dating." I say slowly "WHAT?!" My mom jumps up from her seat "OUT! OUT NOW!" My mom slams open the door "No! Let them at least talk!" My dad says in defense. "Dad what are you doing?" I question "Look Marie I've always supported you I .. just pretended I didn't because I knew you mother would leave the both of us. I-I just wanted you to at least grow up with a mother." My dad fell to the floor crying after he said that "Dad.. I don't care if I grew up without a mother.. I would only want to grow up with someone who at least accepts me." I grab my dads hand to help him off the floor. "Thank you Marie.. I'm gonna end this now.." My dad walks up to my mom. "We're done D-O-N-E!" My dad slaps my mom leaving a red mark on her face. "FINE! I don't need you to live!" My mom then storms out the door. We all just at least try to process what just happened."Alright so are you two ready to talk?" My dad said with a sigh. "Yea.." I said. We go to sit down at the dining table again. "Okay so like I said before. Me and Evelyn are dating." My dad looks at us and then smiles. "Ah. I knew this might happen, you and Evelyn where inseparable and you still are! I always wondered who helped you figure out your lesbian.. I always thought to myself it was probably Evelyn because I could clearly see it, I mean you two always called every day, you met up every week, and heck now you two work at the same place!" My dad holds both of our hands "I'm proud of you two.." My dad then gets up "you guys are welcome to stay for a bit if you'd like!" My dad exclaimed. "Sure dad.. we would love to."

We stayed for a bit before leaving.

"You okay?" Evelyn asks me. "Yea. I'm just happy at least one person in my family accepts me.."

We continue driving until we get back. We just decided to get some rest...

(Idk how to end the chapter so that's the end for this chapter ig)

Just a lot of smut idkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang