Chapter 4 (Season 1)

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Y/n's Pov

We've been searching the woods for hours. We'd spent most of the time not really talking and it was weird to say the last. We normally talked none stop when we are together. This felt like a punishment. I was starting to become very tired from all the walking and getting up so easly but I didn't say anything to Johnathan because I wanted to stay out here with him until he was ready to stop looking and go home. No way I'd leave him out here alone, couldn't have him going missing as well. His mum would most likely die from losing both of her boys. "What's been happening at school? Did anything exciting happen?" He finally ask me. "I mean, I may have kneed Carver in the balls and then punched him in the face a few days ago. That count?" I smile at him. Neither of us liked Jason and this felt like I win for both of us. He hated Johnathan for some reason and would give him shit whenever Johnathan and I hang out when we were't at school. "Oh yeah? Did he finally start to leave you alone now? Stop asking you to go on a date with him?" he asks, turning towards me for the first time since he started to talk to me again. I laugh and shake my head, "Sadly he still doesn't get the hint. Probably can't have me hurting his pride or he'll lose the respect he somehow has. Would be so much better if he just left me alone." Johnathan laughs at this then turns back to the task at hand.

Laughing could all of a sudden be heard and we look at each other confused. No one would be out here this late. Wonder who it could be? We speed over towards the laughter before we are stopped by the glow of none other than Steve Harrington's house. "Oh god we've gone way too far out, lets go back," I say trying to pull Johnathan off with me. We both had people we didn't want to see here, why bother to stay if it will only hurt us? But Johnathan doesn't move from his stop, lifting his camera and taking photos. "Come on Johnathan, if they catch us it'll only be bad for us." I try to reason with him. He shook his head and continued what he was doing. At least he isn't thinking about his brother for a little bit.

I look over to the house and see Steve and Nancy falling into the pool. I may be sad losing Steve but at least he's happy. I couldn't say the same for me but at least he is. He was always worried he'd end up alone, even when Eddie and I told him we'd always be with him. Not that we were anymore but that isn't my problem anymore. But at least he had the chance to be with someone that made him smile like that. I watch as Nancy and Steve start to make their way up the stairs, Barb left by herself. "I feel sorry for her," I whisper to Johnathan, pointing towards Barb. He gives me a questioning look and I continue, "I mean, you go to a party with your friend, one where you don't know or like anyone else, but then you're ditched to have sex with a stupid guy. That's what horrible friends do. Not your best friend. It's heartbreaking." Johnathan nods his head, not commenting on the tone of my voice.

He knew about my relationship, or lack of now, with Eddie and Steve. It was one of the first things we talked about when we became friends. We didn't have anyone so we talked about why. They had done the same thing to me that Nancy was doing to Barb right now. We'd gone to a party together and both of them ditched me in a matter of seconds, probably each going to find themselves a girl to pass the time with. I hated going to parties, still did, and they knew this but they still did it. They even left the party angry at me. Both bumped into me and ran out the door, not even apologizing for anything they'd done that night. And what made it all so much worse was that it was the last time I had the boys to myself. The last time that the three of us were all talking and all best friends for life. I'd pinpointed that something must have happened that night but for me, most of the night was blacked out, thanks to the many drinks I'd had to make myself feel better about the boys running off without me. Luckily it was the night I meant Robin so nothing bad happened to me, as far as we know. 

All of a sudden I notice Steve and Nancy in the window of his bedroom and that's when my heart really broke into pieces. I love Steve, always have and probably away will. It was one of the hardest things for me to admit but when I finally did admit it to myself I found it easier to deal with not being around my boys anymore. I look away from them, not being able to see them together and look towards Barb again. She looks sad, her hand red from the cut she'd received earlier. I felt sorry for her. She deserved a better friend, one that didn't ditch her for some boy. Someone that really cared about the friendship they had made together.

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