Chapter 26 (Season 2/3)

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Steve's pov

Robin and I are having our first shift together with just the two of us. Y/n wasn't feeling well today and asked if I could cover for her. Robin still seemed to really hate me but I was determined to have some kind of relationship by the end of this shift. Y/n needs something to go right for her "Steve! Can you take the front for a minute?" Robin yells, annoyance through her voice. "Yeah sure," I yell back at her, getting up from my seat and moving out to the front. As soon as I get there Robin bumps into my shoulder and moves to the back room before she sits in the window. "Oh come on. Can we at least get along? For Y/n? She really wants us to get along," I ask, leaning against the counter. Robin just laughs and looks out the door. "Maybe, but I'm not gonna trust you just yet. You need to earn that," She says, putting her hand out for me to shake. I smile and move over to shake her hand. "Sounds good," I say, happier than ever about this development. Y/n will be so happy when she finds out we called a truce.

I turn around to see if anyone was walking into the store when I notice Munson walking past the store, quickly looking in before he walks past again. He'd been doing it for most of the day and for a few days before today. I didn't know if he was looking for me or for Y/n but he was probably not coming in because of one or both of us. Probably just me though. "Whatever happened between you and Eddie Munson?" Robin suddenly asks me, probably noticing Eddie walking past as well. "Nothing, has he been doing this on other days?" I ask her, turning around to face her. She gives me a confused look and says, "Yeah he has. I thought you noticed it as well. I think he might be trying to talk to you 'cause that's when he normally does this." I nod and look back out front, hoping to see Munson so I can call him into the store. "Y/n really misses him. Misses the three of you together." Robin whispers. I stiffen and look down at the ice cream, trying to give myself something else to do. "I know," I sadly say, not really knowing what else I could say about the situation. When I was still at school I'd notice Y/n looking sadly over at Eddie. "Maybe you two should try and become friends again? For Y/n's sake?" Robin suggests, seeming to care a little about the situation. I turn around again to face her and say, "I know, I'm still trying to work out how to though. I really fucked up the last time we were together." Guilt flashes across my face and I notice Robin sadly smiling down at me. "It's ok. But you should try to at some point." I nod to her and go back to work.

I look out the store and make eye contact with Eddie. I try to hold it as long as I can and smile at him, hoping he knows it was ok to come into the store. He seemed to be startled by my smile and ends up running into the store door. Robin bursts out laughing while I move around the counter and walk over to Eddie. "You ok man?" I ask, putting my hand on his arm. He pulls away from me and nods his head. "Yeah, I'm fine Harrington." He snaps, starting to walk away. "You sure you don't need anything?" I shout, some people turning to us to find out what's happening. Eddie turns back to me and quickly walks over, pushing his pointer finger into my chest. "I don't need anything from you anymore Harrington," He spits, anger in his eyes. I frown at him as he turns around and walks away from me. "I just wanted to help," I whisper before I turn back to the store and walk back inside to Robin. Robin looks over at me concerned and asks, "You ok?" I nod and say, "Yeah, could you take the front for a few seconds?" She nods and jumps over the window. I move into the back and close the window doors, not needing anyone to see me. I sit down at the table and put my head in my hands, trying to hold back my tears. I shouldn't feel the need to cry right now. We've been like this for years. Why would it only start to hurt now?

Eddie's pov

Fuck! What the hell did I just do? All I wanted to do was talk to Steve and the second he gives me a smile I walk into the fucking door? I thought I was over this stupid little crush. He doesn't;t want me, he made that very clear. So why can't I stop wanting him? I wanted to talk to Steve about maybe becoming friends again because he and Y/n were friends again and I missed the two of them. But if I still had a crush on Steve then he'd start to hate me again or more than he already does. He'll never want to be my friend again if he thinks I wanna get in his pants every time we're together. And if we can't be friends, it would make it hard for Y/n if we can't hang out together. I move as fast as I can to the exit of the mall, needing to get out of this hell hole. If I go home I can go to my room and smoke my worries away. I run over to my van and jump in. Starting my engine as quickly as I can and driving back home. I do wish I didn't snap at Steve. He really looked like he wanted to help me. And seeing his sad after wasn't great either.

Steve's pov

After an hour of feeling sorry for myself, I finally get the courage to go out to the front of the store. Robin's finishing up with a customer as I come out of the back room, smiling and waving to them as they leave. "Hey Robin, you can go into the back if you want to now," I say as I come up next to her. She gives me a once over before saying, "Ok, I need to ask you about something first." I nod my head for her to continue as she says, "Should we tell Y/n what happened with Eddie? About how he keeps walking past the store when you're working and what happened today?" I shake my head, panic filling my body. If Y/n found out she'd be heartbroken to know Eddie still hates me. I know she wants us all back together but I can't force Eddie back into my life, not if he doesn't want to be in it. "No, please don't tell her anything. She'll only get more hurt about it all," I say, hoping Robin agrees. Robin nods and moves to go to the back room. Hopefully, nothing else happens today. I don't know if I could handle it.

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