Chapter 6 (Season 1)

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Y/n's Pov

We'd been stuck at the stupid police station for so long that I wanted to run out when they weren't looking. They were questioning each one of us for so long, trying to work every little detail out. It was exhausting. Why did they need so much detail anyway, it was just two teenagers punching each other. But they had given me some ice to help with my check, hopefully helping it not because more bruised than it already will be. "And you're all done," Callahan finally says to me. I smile and quickly exit the room as fast as my legs would take me, walking straight to where Nancy and Jonathan were. I needed to get out of that room as quick as I could, can't handle reliving Jonathan and Steve beating each other up anymore. Nancy was holding a bag of ice to Jonathan's check, both of them looking away from each other shyly. I quickly walk over to them and question, "What the hell did you two do last night??" They look at each other, Nancy shaking her head at him. Now she's trying to control my best friend. "I'll tell you when we get out of here, can't have anyone here hearing what I have to say," Jonathan tells me. I nod my head and look around the room. "So how are we getting out of here? I really don't wanna still be here," I ask them both. "I don't know, I believe mum is coming down to get us with Hopper," Jonathan says. At the mention of Hopper I sit straight in my chair. Nancy looks at me confused and Johnathan gives me a sympathetic look. He knew I hadn't really seen Hopper much since all the stuff with my dad happened and I didn't really know if I could handle seeing him just yet.

All of a sudden, Joyce walks into the station with Hopper not too far behind her. "Hey! Jonathan? Y/n? Jesus, what.. what happened?" Joyce asks as she comes over to us. Callahan tries to get Joyce while Jonathan tells her he's fine. "Why is he wearing handcuffs?" Joyce angrily asks Callahan. I try not to laugh at the scene playing in front of me, knowing what would be said. It wasn't good for anyone when Joyce is like this. "Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why?" Callahan tells her. "Take them off," Joyce demands. Oh, this is gonna get so good. "I am afraid I cannot do that," Callahan tries to say but Joyce yells, "Take them off!" Hopper backs her up by telling Callahan, "You heard her. Take 'em off." I look at the two confused. Why would he do that for her? What could they have been doing before they got here? "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see." Powell buts in. Well, this can't be good for us. All three officers then walk out towards Jonathan's car. "What the hell do you have in there?" I ask him. He just shakes his head and we all look over to his car, seeing them put some stuff into a box and bring them back over to us.

"What is this?" Joyce asks as they place the box in front of her. I look over her shoulder and see lots of weird hunting gear in it. What the hell are these doing in Jonathan's car? What were Nancy and Jonathan going to do with all of this stuff? "Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car?" Hopper asks, slightly aggressively now. "What?" Joyce asks while Jonathan says, "Why are you going through my car?" "Now's not the time," I whisper to him, not wanting to get into more trouble than we already could be in. "Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Hopper asks while leaning over Jonathan. "I wanna see you in my office." Hopper finishes before walking over to his office. "You won't believe me." Jonathan tries. Hopper walks back over to him and leans back asking softly, "Why don't you give me a try?" They both stare at each other before we all finally go to Hopper's office.

Once we are all seated Jonathan pulls out a photo and hands it to me. I look at it but give it to Joyce, not really understanding what it is and how it's relevant to the stuff from Jonathan's car. He starts to explain about how Nancy and him were in the woods last night and saw this weird-looking creature. The same thing that is in the photo. It was also there the night Barb went missing. How blood seems to be what attracts it to people. About how Nancy fell into another world that was inside a hollowed out tree and how it chased her when she was in there. They also believe that this thing is what took both Will and Barb. Everything just got so messed up. Why did I leave my house today?

Joyce signs when she gives the photo to Hopper. He stares for a second and asks, "You say blood draws this thing?" I looked confused at him then looked at Nancy and Jonathan as he says, "I don't know." "It's just a theory," Nancy back it up with. We all stay quiet for a second before Joyce gets up and drags me and Jonathan out the door. She stops in the hallway and turns to us both, looking at Jonathan mainly. "I'm sorry Mum. And I'm sorry y/n." Jonathan says looking between me and his mum. I look sadly down at the ground while Joyce argues, "What, you're sorry? You're... you're sorry? That is not good enough Jonathan." "I know." Jonathan whispers to her. I feel so hurt by his actions. Jonathan keeps nothing from me but as soon as Nancy gives him any interest, he shuts me out. We share everything together and we always work through our problems together. Feels a lot like Eddie and Steve right now.

"That's not even close. That's not even in the ... in the ballpark." Joyce continues to berate him. "I wanted to tell you both, I just..." he tries to explain but Joyce interrupts with, "What if this thing took you too? You risked your life.. and Nancy's" Joyce looks like she wants to cry but still stays strong. I on the other head was letting tears fall down my face. I needed him to see my pain, to see what he was doing to me because he kept this from me. "I thought I could save Will. I still do." He tells us but Joyce isn't having it. "This is not yours to fix alone. You act like you're all alone out there in the world but you're not." "You're not alone." I whisper as I take his hand in mine. "I know." He tells us both and squeezes my hand. "God damn it Jonathan." "I know." "Damn it." They both say going back and forth. Joyce pulls Jonathan towards her and gives him a big hug, causing me to hug them both as I was still holding Jonathan's hand. I hear Joyce sniffle a little and squeeze them both a little tighter. 

All of a sudden we hear, "I want an apology!" being yelled from down the hall somewhere. All three of us look in the direction of the voice and the office door opens next to us. "An apology for what exactly?" Callahan asks the woman that just yelled. I wonder what's happening down there. "Where is the chief? I want to speak to him right this instant!" the woman yells as Hopper walks out of the room. "Stay here," he tells us as he walks to where the noise is happening. Instead of listening, I follow behind him. I want to find out what's happening, Hopper doesn't tell me what to do. "Ma'am, I need you to calm down." Callahan tries to tell the woman. Ha, bad idea. Never telling someone to calm down, makes it so much worse. "What is your name, Deputy?" She asks him. "Well, I'm an officer... Okay?" He tells her but she just yells, "Name and badge number, both of you!!" Hopper finally makes it over to them and yells, "What the hell is going on here!?" Powell tries to say something but the lady cuts him off and yells, "These men are humiliating my son!" I slightly laugh as Callahan and Powell try to reason that it wasn't true and explain what really happened but the mum tells Hopper that is it true.

I stop hearing what's really happening but still watch everything go down. "I don't have time for this. Will you please take a statement," I hear Hopper say as well as him mouthing to get her out of here. Hopper starts walking to his office when the kids says that the girl has no hair and was bleeding from her nose, causing Hopper to stop and walk back over to them. "What did you just say?" He asks the boy. "I said she's a freak." "No, her hair. What'd you say about her hair?" Hopper asks, really interested in the boy's case now. "Her head's shaved. She doesn't even look like a girl. And..." The boy stops. Hopper seems to get slightly impatient so he says, "And what?" The mum encourages him to tell Hopper and he finally says, "She can... Do things." "What kind of things?" "Like... make you fly. And piss yourself." "Was she alone?" The boy shakes his head and tells Hopper, "She always hangs out with those losers." My fists clench as I start moving over. I knew what losers he meant and I didn't take kindly to people calling my cousin and his friends that. No one messes with those boys but their families. And only in a caring and loving way. "Losers? What losers?" Hopper asks the boy as I get closer to them. "Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair and Mike Wheeler." The boy finally tells Hopper.

Hopper nods and then sees me walking towards them. He turns to me and grabs my arm, pulling me back to his office. I try to fight back against him but Hopper's much stronger than I am. "Let it go y/n. Sounds like we need to find your cousin." Hopper tells me as we go back into his office. I look confused at him but he just sits me down with everyone else. Now Joyce and Hopper explain to us all that they went to see this woman who claimed a scientist had stolen her baby. And that this baby girl had powers that could put the boys in real danger if she was actually with them.

I nod my head and stand up from my chair. "We need to go get the boys fast then. Dustin's house is the closest so we should go there first, right?" I ask the group. I was so relieved that Dustin was closer than everyone, I really needed to know if he was ok. It was killing me to think that he could possibly be in trouble without me around to help him get out of it. They all nod at me and we walk out to a car. Getting in and making our way to Dustin's house.

My Boys (Steve x Reader x Eddie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon