Chapter 35 (Season 3)

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Y/n's pov

After what felt like a really quick shift, Dustin, Robin, Steve and I were all on the roof again looking at the loading dock, waiting for their shifts to all end. "Erica, do you copy?" Robins asks through the radio. "Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?" Erica replies back. "God, her attitude is as bad as Steve's and Dustin's," I whisper to Robin, gaining glares from both Steve and Dustin. Robin laughs and says into the walkie-talkie, "Yeah, we're in position. It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light." "Green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment." Erica tells us. "Can we maybe not call it that?" I ask Erica into the walkie, Steve and Robin nod with me even though Erica couldn't see them. "See you on the other side. Nerds," Erica says before turning the walkie off for a little bit. I sigh and give the walkie back to Robin. "I really don't like this," I whisper to Steve. "What's up?" He asks as he turns more towards me. I shrug a little and say, "I don't like the idea of Erica and Dustin coming in there with us. What if something goes wrong?" I ask him. Robin grabs my hand and says, "It'll be ok. Not like anything bad happens when you're around." I laugh a little and look over at Steve, remembering almost every horrible thing that's happened when I've been around.

Steve reaches over to me and cups my cheek, brushing his thumb over my cheek to calm me down a little. "All right nerds. I'm here," Erica finally warms up, Steve jumping away from me at the voice. "Do you... Do you see anything?" Robin asks her. "Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about," Erica tells us. "Any guards?" Robin asks. "Negative," Erica confirms. I let out a sigh and grab Steve's hand with my free one, squeezing his and Robin's hands. "Booby traps?" Robin asks. "If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?" Erica sarcastically tells us. I roll my eyes as Robin says, "Thank you for that." "I'm in," Erica says to us. "Oh god!" Steve exhales, rubbing his face with his free hand. We wait a few seconds and the doors open to reveal Erica walking out to us. We all smile as Erica yells, "Free ice cream... for... life." We all get up from our hiding spot and run down to Erica as fast as we could.

As we get to the entrance of the secret door we all rush over to a box to figure out what the hell these Russians were doing. Steve grabs out a knife he was hiding and opens up the box. He hands the knife to Dustin and rips open the rest of the box. The rest of us lean over the box and look into it. Inside we find a box with a twist lid. Steve looks at us and puts his hands in it, twisting it and slowly taking the lid off of the box. Inside we find 4 more containers with a twist function to open them. "That's definitely not Chinese food," Steve states. He puts the first lid on a box next to the open one and reaches into the box to open one of the 4 cylinders. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back," Steve says while waving us to step back. I glare at him as Robin and Erica move back away from him. "No," Dustin and I say at the same time. "Just step back, okay?" Steve says again, pushing Dustin back a little. "No," Dustin says again. "Step back. Seriously." Steve snaps, looking between Dustin and I. We lock eyes and I notice a slight pleading look in his eyes. I nod and grab Dustin's arm. "No! No!" Dustin snaps back, trying to stay where he is. "If you die, I die," Dustin says. Steve stands shocked at his statement.

While they were distracted, I wrap my arms around Dustin's shoulders and pull him away from Steve. "No! Y/n stop!" Dustin yells at me trying to move back over to Steve. While I hold Dustin back I nod to Steve. He nods back and turns back to the box, slowly twisting the lid and lifting the cylinder. He lifts it up and I allow Dustin to slowly move forward with me still holding him. In Steve's hand, he's holding a cylinder that contains a green liquid with bubbles through it. "What the hell?" Steve whispers. "What is that?" Robin asks, her and Erica still standing away from Steve.

With no warning, the room shakes a little and a loud beep sounds through the room. "Was that just me or did the room just move?" Dustin asks us, looking slightly around the room. "Booby traps," Erica whispers, the room shaking a little bit more. "Bloody hell!" I snap, tightening my grip on Dustin. "You know what? Let's just grab that and go," Robin says, stepping forward and grabbing the cylinder that Steve is holding. Steve puts the lid back on the box while Dustin moves over to the buttons. "Which one do I press Erica?" Dustin asks after pressing a few of them already. "Just press the damn button nerd," She yells back to him. "Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?" Dustin snaps back, hitting the button a few more times. "Press 'open door'," Erica yells at him. "I'm pressing 'open door'," Dustin yells back at her. "Oh god," I whisper, moving back until I feel Steve's chest against my back. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head. Steve gets frustrated with Dustin and moves us over to him, yelling, "Just open the... Press the other button." "Guys, get out of the way so she can push the button," I hear Robin yell. Everyone starts to yell at each other about the button but nothing seems to be happening when the button is pressed. "Just open the door?" I hear Robin yell again but the door stays closed.

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