Wedding Day~ Part 2..!

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Sorry For The LONGGG Wait Y'all..But Here It Is..


It's Time.. Im about to walk down the hile to meet with my soulmate, Im so, this is it..the day I've been waiting for all my life..Im gonna cry; this is so unreal right now..I love Jacob so much..I just can't believe that I can call him my husband.. Well, everyones getting in their places..This..Is..It..!

OMFGGGG, IM BOUTA GET MARRIED Y'ALLLLLL! HOLYYYYY MOTHER MARY! IM SOOOOO EXCITEDDDDD...I KNOW JANEYAH AIN'T ACTIN' ALL HYPE LIKE ME..BUT IM SO HAPPY...!!! LAAWD, LET ME STOP.. *clears throat* Soo, uhmm..yeah im bouta get married..time to go claim the love of my life..!

The church bells ring, & everyone settle's into their seats. Some patiently eaiting & some rushing to get their camera's out..There's a sense of love in the air & it's just the moment of a life time. One by one; the bridemades & groomsmens make their way down the hile in pairs; smiling, looking elegant, & waiting for the Bride. The ring barrier makes his way down the hile looking around and laughing, you could tell that he was proud of the role he was playing on that special day. And then the flower girl makes her way down the hile gently picking flower pedals and placing them in her path. Once they're all finished..It's that special time; Everyone stands & looks towards the opening doors. Beyonce steps up to the stage, grabs a mic, & then starts to sing "At Last - Etta James" while Janeyah walks down the hile with Jacob's father.. They link arms while they walk down..Everyone stares at Janeyah with amazement of how beautiful she looks..she's amazingly stunning; her dress is a sweetheart neckalace with a ballroom princess styled bottom..Her veil was long & white & outlined with white diamonds. Princeton gazed & looked into Janeyah's eyes while she walked down & he started to tear up..the crowd said "awe.." in unison. It was the perfect moment. Once Janeyah got to Princeton he carefully took off her veil & whispered "Your so beautiful" & she replied; "thank you baby" The priest began the ceremony which was the most peaceful thing ever. Then it was finally time to say "I do". "At this time, I’ll ask you, Jacob, and you, Janeyah, to face each other & take each other’s hands. Jacob, will you take Janeyah to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? "I Will" Janeyah, will you take Jacob to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? "I Wil--" Janeyah chokes on her words & falls to her knees holding her stomach and screaming. EVERYONE Is startled & her mother runs to her while Princeton,Ray,Roc,Aniyah & Sariyah are already there as well..everyone backs up & the crowd gets worried asking if she is okay & someone quickly calls 911..

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