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The next few days were very hectic

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The next few days were very hectic.

The pack had been fighting off and avoiding more and more assassins.

Scott told everyone that the survivors of Satomi's pack needed help to get away from assassins that were after them.

Argent offered to shelter them in his bunker, which is where Satomi, her pack, Argent, Derek, Bella and Braeden were while the others rescued other survivors.
(Her outfit)

(Her outfit)

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Scott brought Brett and his sister Lori to the bunker to join the others

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Scott brought Brett and his sister Lori to the bunker to join the others.

Scott walked up to Derek, Bella and Braeden.
"They'll be ok" He says.
"They've got claws and fangs, but they're not fighters" Derek notes, seeing the terrified werewolves that were young and some that had probably never used their claws on flesh before.
"That's why we called you" Scott replies.
"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore, either" Derek says.
"Well, I don't either, but I do have skills and that's why I called her" Bella speaks up, pointing to Braeden.
"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm? I mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens right, right?" Kira asks, nervously.
"Wishful thinking, but not likely with our luck" Bella says.
"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?" Braeden asks the true Alpha.

Scott sighs, stressed out.
"Lydia's still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house, they're trying to stop it" He informs them.
"What if there is no stopping it?" A voice asks, making them turn around to see Brett.
"What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" He asks, hopelessly.
"Then let's send a message" Derek speaks up, gaining everyone's attention.
"Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters or an amateur who just picked up a gun..." He trails off, picking up a gun Braeden gave him.
"Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is gonna be put on another list, our list. They get to be a name on our deadpool" He states, dramatically, getting many agreements.

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