Part 9

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Nuoh Pov

Yeah, I'm alive. I'm still alive. I'm awake and my eyes weren't closed yet. My body felt great. It was like the time when you wake up from deep sleep, but in my case, I woke from fainting after butting heads with one of the Yamai Twins. Fortunately, the Yamai Twins with the extensions Shido and his harem were focused on Ellen Mathers.

So I took the liberty to help them with my power. I'm, after all, a good Samaritan. It was quite easy to bring out the spirit power. Chanel the power and imagine it and you get yourself a spear. And that was the power of imagination.

With enough push from my hand, my golden spearheaded toward Ellen like a guided missile. Its thin tip touched Ellen's stomach armor.


Ellen was thrown far into the forest, causing some trees damaged by it. The aftermath left quite smoke and a huge hole where she stood.

Did I was the one who did that? Did I just defeat Ellen, the strongest wizard with a single strike?

"Turns out, I'm quite strong too," I mumbled.

While I was thinking inside my head, Shido was still dumbfounded from where he stood. Probably thinking how the heck that a child can defeat Ellen, a trained and experienced wizard, and one of the strongest in the world.

I could pretend to help Shido achieve my goal: Bring Elliot to the goddess ERA. This would send me closer to my goal: reunite with family.

I saw Shido still clutching Sandalphon in his hand, but he wasn't in the best state. Tohka was helping Shido by giving her a shoulder for him to walk. Behind them were the Yamai Twins.

"Are you the spear spirit? If you are, I must say thank you for helping us."

"Tck tck tck," I shook my head in disagreeing motion, "You are lucky that I'm here."

I pointed my spear to Shido. "Let me introduce myself, I am Great Nuoh, the one who brings justice on the dark world. The one who many call harbinger of the death."

Now what? I was at a loss here, what should I supposed to do? After introducing myself, the next step was going closer to the Shido group. Then I would whack Elliot that being called herself ERA. It should be easy, but socializing with young people was hard.

"When the right time comes, Let's meet again. Itsuka Shido," I flew leaving the stunned group behind, not giving them the chance to ask anything about me.

It was the decision I hastily made, hoping to give a good impression. Just imagine it, a little girl knocked out one of the twin tornado resulting in me to be unconscious. Then an evil wizard messed with Shido and friends. I woke up, beat the evil wizard, Introduced myself to Shido, and leave. Refuse to elaborate.

"Nuoh you are a genius."

I kept telling that to my brain. Maybe it wasn't the best decision but it was the most necessary.

Oh, by the way, I had found Muzka. He seemed relieved seeing me alive and well. I had asked him about his bloodied hand but kept refusing to tell me, and instead kept nagging at me to never leave without informing me.

After convincing him for about 87 minutes, he calmed down.

"Muzka we are going to Japan, Tenguu City."

"If I may ask you, why?"

"The answer lies within the boy I met back in the forest. He is truly Date a Live."



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