Part 2

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Shido Pov

Not so long after Nuoh running the hell out from the classroom, students were making fun of the teacher.

"AH↓ HA↑ HA↑ HA↑ Tama-chan make a child run."

"The child is scared about you Tama-sensei."

"if a child that's scared what is your future Tama sensei can you get a husband lol lol lol lol lol."

"Woah Woah calm down bro."


"(Insert other comments by the student here)"

"Moo... it's not like that. I want to help her."

Tama-sensei mumbled with a sorrowful stare while poking her two index fingers together .

'who's that child, is that one of our classmate little sister?' Shido thought.

"Shido that child is a new spirit, we still don't know why she is here." Kotori cut in over the earpiece. "we are still observing her for now but get ready to date her ."

"OK, Kotori, don't worry. I will save her like the others." I retorted With a slightly worried face scared that I failed to save this spirit like Kurumi.

After the class ended, I'm getting ready to go to the school infirmary.

But suddenly, a hand clap my shoulder," EYY Shido WhatsUp."

"what it is Tonomachi."

"look at my newest girlfriend bro" he showed his phone to me.

The girl in the phone has a twin tail with pink hair, with average middle school height and happens to have some similarities to my sister.

"Isn't she cute right, such a thing can't be this attractive."

"aha..ha yes that's good for you, but I have to gotta go now bye."

"Just go on, I will take this opportunity to talk with my girlfriend."

"SHIDO00 gets your lazy arse here" yelled Kotori from the intercom "We have been waiting for you."


" 'eh' what do you mean by eh" she sighed," did you forget about what we talk earlier."

"If the spirit mental state is not good, it will cause a space quake." Miss Reine interrupted

" go to the infirmary Shido, from there we will transport you to where that spirit has last seen," Kotori said

"Ahh, I see."


"umm Kotori, Reine-san."

I searched the whole room, only to found nothing. But suddenly I heard a buzzing sound than in the next step the environment has changed into the bridge ship of the Fraxinus.

"OK Shido there will be no much chit-chat," Kotori said while eating her lollipop, "The spirit mental have degraded from earlier. You will come down, talk to her, persuade her to a date, and seal her."

"Now go save her my beloved brother" She continued.

"Wait, Koto..."

I wanted to replied but got cut off by teleportation .

I hope I can help this child

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