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The two sisters enjoyed playing with each other and got along like two peas in a pod. Another year or two passed this way. However, on one cool, sleepy summer night, that seemed to have changed forever. On quiet summer nights like this, all one could see were lights from the tiny houses facing the harbor.

In a room within the castle, Elsa was fast asleep. Little Anna popped up at her bedside.

"Psst! Elsa!" she whispered.

Then she struggled, climbed onto the bed and crawled up to Elsa, and began to tug her.

"Elsa! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" she nagged her sister.

Elsa stirred in her bed, trying to get back to sleep.

"Anna, go back to sleep!" she turned aside, smiling. But Anna was not going to give up.

"I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" she cribbed as she laid her back on Elsa.

The flickering Northern Lights made the faces of the two little sisters glow. Elsa was still keeping her eyes shut.

"Go play by yourself," told Elsa as she pushed her sister off the bed.

Anna landed gently but was not impressed that her sister just wouldn't come. She became thoughtful, and then her eyes widened as she beamed. She climbed the bed once again and inquired,

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

Elsa smiled and opened her eyes, giving in to her sister's constant persuasion as if to say 'yes'.

The two sisters ran down the staircase of the castle. Little Anna pulled Elsa along.

"Come on, come on, come on!" exclaimed Anna as she bubbled with excitement, running down the flight of stairs. Elsa, who was being pulled along by her sister, tried to shush her but failed to suppress Anna's thrilled giggles. The two then entered the secluded Great Hall, opening the large doors. As the sisters laughed and ran to the center of the hall, Anna childishly demanded, "Do the magic, do the magic!"

Elsa smiled and began to move her hands in front of her face. A glowing snowball appeared in her hands.

"Ready?" she asked her little sister, who was mesmerized by the wonder of this magic—Anna gave an affirmative nod. Then, lifting her hands, Elsa sent a floating snowball into the air. The snowball exploded on almost reaching the room ceiling, giving out tiny snowflakes that descended upon them. Anna jumped for joy and cried out,

"This is amazing!"

She laughed and did gyrate around her sister. Elsa was now determined to amaze her more.

"Watch this!"

She stamped her foot on the ground, and it froze to solid ice. Anna began to slide on the ice, laughing with glee gently. Moments later, Elsa created snow on the frozen floor, and the sisters started to build a snowman. Later, Elsa took up the task of giving the snowman a face and shaped its body while Anna sat on one of the thrones, pressing her cheeks and squinting her eyes as if Elsa was to make the snowman look like her. When Elsa finished the snowman, she turned it around to face Anna and lifted its hands.

"Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs." Elsa said in a goofy voice. Anna was amazed and left her seat to run to the snowman and hug it.

"I love you, Olaf!" she hugged the snowman while Elsa, sitting behind it, smiled at her.

Later, Anna danced with Olaf, gliding on the ice. Elsa made both of them slip and slide on the surface of the icy floor. Moments after, Elsa made an ice slide, on which she and Anna played. Little Anna flew like a light volleyball into a small snow mound. As Anna got up, she threw the snow in all directions, laughing.

A Treasure To Behold: The Frozen Story Retold [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now