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The attendant led them to a hall upstairs, where the king and queen anticipated their arrival. On entering, the lieutenant bowed low and greeted,
"Your Majesty. My Queen, it's an honor to meet you."

King Agnarr reciprocated, and the queen curtsied. "Greetings, lieutenant! Welcome to Arendelle."

Alex stood at attention and wished them loud and clear,
"Good morning, Your Majesties!"

The king and queen couldn't help but smile. King Agnarr replied,
"Good morning! At ease, my boy!"

As instructed, Alex stood at ease. The king continued, "Young man, welcome to Arendelle. What is your name?"

In a calmer voice, he responded, "Sergeant Alex, Your Majesty."

King Agnarr inquired, "And how do you like Arendelle, Alex?"

Alex smiled and answered, "Very well, Your Majesty! The fjord has the most picturesque landscapes, and the bread at the plaza was delicious!"

King Agnarr made an effort to remember something and then happily remarked, "Oh yes! Aunt Maiken's loaves are the best in Arendelle! Don't they just taste marvelous?"

Without any hesitation, Alex agreed, "Yes, they do, Your majesty! That is probably the best bread I have ever had in the world!"

At this moment, little Anna decided to come out of hiding from the corridor that led to the room. She had never seen anyone else in that castle save her mother, father, and elder sister Elsa some years ago. She padded with her hands at the back and her head down. Only her big, blue eyes looked up worriedly at the visitors. As she entered from behind the king and queen, they did not notice her.

King Agnarr went on, "Speaking of the world, where did you harbor previously, lieutenant?"

The lieutenant told the king, "Your Majesty, we harbored at the port of Bordeaux in France last. When we were en route to Arendelle, we passed by the Kingdom of Vesterland but did not harbor there."

Alex could not help but notice little Anna behind them. The king continued, "And how many from the Exploration Corps had arrived yesterday, may I ask?"

The lieutenant reported, "Seventy-six cadets and three officers, Your Majesty."

The king seemed amazed, "Wow! It seems you have a pretty large vessel! I have wanted to travel the world and see places far and wide too."

The lieutenant did not immediately respond to that as he was surprised. He thought to himself,

'The king's people are happy and prosperous. His neighboring kingdoms were also peaceful and friendly, so why did he not fulfill his desire? Why did he lock the gates to his people and live like this?'

Alex took advantage of the brief silence. He motioned to Anna,

"Your Majesty, is that your daughter?"

The king turned back and looked. He confirmed, smiling, "Yes, she is." Then, he asked his daughter, "What are you doing here, Anna?"

Anna continued to stand there without uttering a word. Perhaps she was shy. "Oh, she can be a little shy sometimes." mentioned the king.

"Oh, aren't they all, Your Majesty? But it is the shy ones you must be watchful of, as they are very often the more voluble ones when they're older!" proclaimed the lieutenant.

All the adults in the room were reduced to laughter, which soon subsided. Alex again seized his opportunity and asked nervously,

"Your Majesty, may I?" he inquired whether he could go and see the little princess. The king briefly looked at his wife. She responded with an affirmative nod. King Agnarr then confirmed, "Sure, go ahead, Alex."

A Treasure To Behold: The Frozen Story Retold [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now