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Amidst the cold night, the weak stone blocks of cell number eighty-eight began to move. With one final blow, Alex managed to break a hole big enough for him to pass through. Standing within the cell, which was now opened to the frozen fjord, he sighed,

"Took me slightly longer than I expected."

A cold breeze blew its way in and put out the only torch within. He spoke to himself, teeth clattering, "It sure has become cold out here. That aside, I found my way out!"

He climbed out of the hole and began to ascend the rocky surface of the dungeon complex. It was located well below the castle walls. When he looked down, the water below had frozen to solid ice, covered by several inches of snow. Alex climbed the treacherous slope cautiously. Soon, he arrived at an open window. A peek inside showed him two foreign soldiers discussing.

"We should leave someone to look over this post too." argued the more vigilant one from Weselton. The air outside was gelid, but Alex held on and listened.

"Relax! We've dropped a bombshell on those Arendellians. They can't do a thing. Besides, their entire army is imprisoned. What could happen?" convinced the one from the Southern Isles. He opened the door and, through a friendly gesture, pushed the other man out.

"We'll leave here for now and come back tomorrow. I haven't slept in two days! Aren't you dog-tired?" asked the jolly man from the Southern Isles.

"Alright, alright. We'll go for now. But we have to return before sunrise tomorrow, understand?"

He nodded and shut the door firmly as they left. When he felt the time was right, Alex hopped in quietly from the window and looked around. The room was a captured office within the dungeon. Not far away stood a covered table. He lit a lantern that was left on it. Alex found a drawer under the tablecloth. Very carefully, he opened it and held the lantern above to see what was on the inside. To his surprise, there were a bunch of keys next to a folded Arendellian flag.

Alex acquired the keys and got moving. But something stopped him—the flag. He returned, staring at the symbol of his occupied kingdom. It kindled a flame in his tired eyes. Without wasting too long, he stuffed it into his pocket and moved covertly. Outside the office was the dungeon corridor. It wasn't long before he came across the first cell door. He silently searched the bunch of keys and attempted to open the cell door. Fortunately, it opened on his second try.

Within, several soldiers rested in despair—their belts and caps too were taken away, and they sat like prisoners of war. When the door opened, they were spellbound. They got up and moved toward him. A corporal came up and told quietly,

"Thank goodness you are here, sarge! The whole army has been locked up."

Alex sounded serious, "I know, corporal. But now we need to get them out of there."

The soldiery fell silent as the corporal inquired, "Royal Sergeant Alex, what must we do?"

Alex took а deep breath and then formulated, "I have the keys to the cells on this floor, but we have to move carefully. We must take advantage of the night and utilize the element of surprise. We have to go floor by floor; cell by cell, and make Arendelle ours again. Do you understand?"

The soldiers behind the corporal nodded, knowing they must not make a noise, and the corporal complied with a, "Yes, sergeant!"

Alex looked once again at all the men and women before him and commanded, "Soldiers, let's go!"

In a matter of minutes, they cleared the first floor. As more of their comrades joined in, the group split up into smaller troops. Enemy soldiers were never directly engaged at—to maintain secrecy, they were ambushed from behind and tied up. Soon, the second floor too was extricated, and more groups formed. Alex ensured that the actions were coordinated and the plan was maintained. After clearing the third floor or so, Arendellian soldiers reached the royal armory; they entered with such unison that the enemy guards felt like a tremendous tidal bore had broken onto the door. They surrendered instantly.

A Treasure To Behold: The Frozen Story Retold [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now