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Years passed, and the gates still remained closed. Alex gave company to the sisters separately in his spare time. After completing his training, he served his duties as the royal sergeant—a personal guard to the royal family. The 'dinner nights' were Elsa's most cherished times, when Alex ceremonially served dinner in her room and later read her a story from one of the books his friends from the Exploration Corps gave him. Anna seemed to enjoy the unique board games. She also played with Alex for most of the day; when he was not preoccupied with duties. Both of them also shared a taste for adventure.

As days turned months, and months turned years, both Elsa and Anna grew up to become beautiful young ladies. Alex, too, was by then a strong, appreciated, and knowledgeable man. What's more, is that he knew every nook and corner of the castle.

One odd day, the king and queen wished to set sail for the Southern Sea urgently. They promised to be back in two weeks. The same evening, Elsa and Anna gathered in the main hall to bid them farewell. Alex stood by the sisters in full dress uniform. Kai, who helped with the luggage, wore a worried look on his face. Elsa curtsied and asked her parents, "Do you have to go?"

Her expression was ominous. King Agnarr reassured, "You'll be fine, Elsa."

The king and queen then moved over to Anna. Unlike her sister, she was optimistic.

"See you in two weeks," she said with absolute confidence and hugged them tightly.

After a moment, they moved to Alex. On their arrival, he came to attention and saluted.

"Wish you a safe journey, Your Majesties."

King Agnarr informed with gravity, "At ease Alex, I am leaving Princess Elsa in charge indeed, but you know your responsibilities to Arendelle."

Alex looked the king in the eyes and absorbed every word he said.

"Yes, my King."

Queen Iduna smiled and gently poked his nose, due to which his cap fell off.

"What a little boy he was! See how he has grown up." teased the queen as she jovially ruffled his neatly combed hair.

She smiled at him the same way she would smile at her daughters when they were little. Alex smiled back with a sigh as though something went wrong, but he didn't mind it anyway. Both the sisters giggled, covering their mouths. Queen Iduna grew concerned.

"What is the matter, Anna?" she asked.

When her laughter subsided, Anna confessed,

"He spent an entire hour to set that cap 'properly' on his head!"

The queen looked worried now.

"I told him it looked fine, but he kept saying: 'It has to be perfect for the king and queen'!" Anna declared in a no-laughing-matter voice.

King Agnarr and Elsa could not hold back their laughter, but the queen grew regretful. She picked up his cap from the floor. Alex immediately insisted, "There's no need for that, Your Majesty."

Even so, she placed it on his head and adjusted it.

"Thank you," he replied.

"Does it look alright now, Alex?" asked Queen Iduna.

"My Queen, does it look alright to you?" he asked her.

"It always does, Alex." the queen said.

"Then I am satisfied."

"But your hair...?" she began.

With an intent to butter her, he started,

"Have not a worry, my Queen. Today, I can go around all of Arendelle without the bother of how my hair looks because it is the Queen of Arendelle who set it for me!"

A Treasure To Behold: The Frozen Story Retold [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now