Chapter 1

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She hated him

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She hated him. She absolutely hated him with every fiber of her being. And yet, every time she saw her best friend kiss him, the painful stab of envy killed her inside. Their concealed chemistry had been secretly hidden for months. Neither of them ever addressed the sexual tension that slithered between their bodies and coiled itself around them like a snake. Niklaus Mikaelson possessed every trait that Elena believed to despise in a man. From the moment he had come to Mystic Falls, he'd brought nothing but havoc and suffering upon the small town. Elena loathed him for killing Tyler's mother, toying with her friends, and causing Stefan to go off the deep end and switch off his humanity. Even though Klaus had made nice with everyone and apologized for his evils, the odds had always been against him when it came to redeeming himself in Elena Gilbert's eyes.

A year had passed since he'd "reformed" himself, and now that he was engaged to Elena's best friend, he knew he had to find a way to get along with the tempered brunette, for Caroline's sake. He was an Original; the first immortal hybrid, and although he was superhuman, there were some things even Klaus could not achieve: he couldn't make Elena like him.

Ever since Caroline broke the news of their engagement to her friends, Elena was horrified that Caroline actually wanted to marry the diabolical maniac. She couldn't trust him, and she was worried that Klaus would end up breaking Caroline's heart or killing her. But no matter how she voiced her concerns, Caroline Forbes was determined to have her happy ending. In her heart of hearts, Klaus was her very own prince charming. He wasn't perfect, but Caroline was confident that her love could bring out the best in him. For the most part, it had. Klaus was much more tame and calm when he was around her. But every time Elena was close to him, he wanted to abandon his composure and give in to pure animal instincts. It was the most frustrating feeling, which was why he always begged Caroline not to drag him to social events because he knew Elena would be there. But some celebrations just could not be avoided… Such was that night in mid-July.

It was Bonnie's birthday weekend, and the "Mystic gang" had gone to Elena's summer lake house to celebrate. It had been Caroline's idea, of course. But she wanted to do something intimate and fun without overwhelming her friend with hundreds of people showing up just for free booze and food.

Jeremy had come, and so had Matt; Rebekah, and Elena were there, too. Poor Elena felt like she should have brought a date with her, since everyone else had a significant other. Jeremy was dating Bonnie, Matt was seeing Rebekah, and Caroline was there with her Hybrid fiancé. She felt a bit out of place.

They had all gathered in the living room—drinking and listening to music when Caroline decided to play a little game: spin the bottle. As reluctant as Elena was to participate, she felt relieved knowing that if the bottle happened to land on Jeremy, she would get a chance to spin again (and vice versa).

After a few spins, it was Elena's turn. And sure enough, just as she had feared, the bottle spun round and round until it stopped and pointed to Klaus.

"Well,"—she squirmed nervously—"I guess that means I have to spin again."

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