Chapter 8

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Music was playing loudly in Klaus's car stereo while he drove

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Music was playing loudly in Klaus's car stereo while he drove. Caroline was sitting shotgun, Elijah was in the back with Elena in the middle, and Bonnie next to her. The Hybrid occasionally glanced at the radiant doppelganger through his rear view mirror, and sometimes Elena caught his gaze. Anyone who was curious enough to observe their interactions would have noticed the potency of passion in the way they looked at each other. No words had to be spoken. All Klaus had to do was look at Elena and her body would catch fire from the inside.

Caroline suddenly changed the track and switched to her favorite pop radio station. "I can't stand your taste in music!" she complained to Klaus. "I get a headache listening to dubstep!"

If there was one thing Elena had in common with Klaus: it was the same musical preferences.

He turned off the radio and let his music play again. "Hands off my stereo, Caroline."

"God, you are impossible!" she said as she changed the track that was hooked up from his iPhone. After she was satisfied with the song, she relaxed and said, "At least this song won't give me a migraine."

It was a song that Elena had heard once before, and only once. But hearing it again only brought back the buried recollection.

Klaus glanced at Elena when he stopped at a red light, as if to tell her that he remembered, too. This time Caroline noticed, but she figured he was only checking the traffic in the back.

Elena held his gaze for as long as she could before she looked away. She was worried that tonight would be the night he would leave, and Caroline would come crying to her, explaining that he'd broken up with her. She realized that she was in a horrible situation. She had lied to her friend, and lied to herself. Even if Klaus broke off the engagement, it wouldn't have soothed her battered conscience.

Feeling more conflicted than ever, Elena sat back and remembered the last time she heard the lyrics that were echoing from the speakers. She had been sitting in that very car, right next to Klaus. But her feelings then were very different compared to how she felt now.



Ten months ago

Having your car break down while you're driving is not fun especially when it's raining cats and dogs and you're pretty much stranded on a very remote road. Oh, and I forgot to mention the part about the sky getting dark and you're all alone with your cellphone about to die. Yeah, that's what basically happened to me while I was on my way back from visiting a friend out of town. I didn't have any fancy membership for roadside assistance, so the first person I thought to call was Bonnie. But she wasn't picking up, so I called Caroline instead and explained what had happened. She told me that she'd be on her way and I was so relieved. However, imagine my reaction when I received the following text, twenty minutes later:

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