Chapter 14

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"You're quiet this evening, Niklaus

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"You're quiet this evening, Niklaus."

He turned away from the night sky and faced his brother. "Is there something you want, Elijah?"

"Rebekah's worried about you. She said you've been withdrawing a lot as of late."

"So you thought you'd just encroach upon my privacy and pick my brain, is that it?"

Elijah's expression seemed impassive as he stepped closer to his brother. "The termination of any relationship is difficult to endure," he said.

"Are you suggesting that I've been pining for Caroline all these weeks?" Klaus snickered under his breath. "Please, spare me the psychobabble about break-ups. I'm fine. I'm the one who ended things with her, remember?" He took a sip of his drink and hung his elbows over the balcony again.

Elijah was now next to him, gazing out at the city in momentary silence. "You are a vampire, Niklaus."

"Hybrid vampire."

"We feel emotions at a greater magnitude."

"Tell me, Elijah, did our sister send you up here to lecture me on love and loss? Or have I simply become your little 'pet project' once again to make yourself feel better?"

The Original sighed and looked at Klaus. "We're only concerned about you. You rarely leave your room. Marcelle is worried, too."

"Marcelle is doing a fine job running this city. He doesn't seem to need any of our assistance. To be quite frank, brother... I have no bloody clue what the hell I'm doing here."

"The Harvest witch needs our help."

"Ah, yes"-Klaus finished his drink-"Davina Claire."

"Whether you want to admit it or not, you've sunk into a deep depression. Just say the word and I'll bring Caroline here. You can sort things out. It's not too late."

"No!" Klaus shouted. He'd unintentionally lost his temper, but that usually happened whenever he had too much to drink. "I called off the wedding for a reason," he expressed. "I suggest you desist in meddling in my personal life if you know what's good for you!"

Elijah regarded him for the longest time. He was worried about his younger brother. Klaus had a tendency to go off the rails whenever he experienced heartbreak.

"You never really explained why you ended your relationship with Caroline."

"I got bored." Klaus grinned.

"That is a lie."

"I realized that I wasn't worthy of being loved. Is that what you prefer to hear? The truth?"

Elijah scowled at him. "I wish you could understand how difficult it is for me to watch you sabotage your happiness century after century."

"I could always solve that problem and dagger you so that you wouldn't have to suffer, dear brother."

"You know, Niklaus, the moment you start trusting in the love of others, the happier you will be."

Like the way I trusted in Elena, Klaus thought, feeling nothing but bitterness in his soul.

Elijah had more to say. However, he knew that his brother was not in the mood for a long chat. "I'll be in my study if you need me," he said.

Klaus kept his eyes on the harbor in the distance and waited until Elijah left before he re-entered his room and resumed his painting

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