Chapter 10

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Nine months ago

Sometimes I feel so depressed that I'm still single. But I know that I'm doing the right thing. I love Stefan and always will, but getting involved in the vampire world was never something I wanted. Now that my best friend is marrying an Original, that will make me Godmother to her Hybrid baby one day... if that just so happens to be possible?

It was a late Friday evening and I was on my way to the dance studio downtown to watch Caroline's choreographed wedding dance with Klaus. When I parked my car and entered the building, I received a phone call from Caroline as I took the elevator up.

"Hey, Care I just got—"

"Elena, I am so sorry, but I can't make it tonight."


"My mom's really sick and I don't want to leave her."

"Have you called Klaus?"

"Please don't hate me, but I sort of set you up. Matt's at the studio, and since Klaus is an expert at the Venetian Waltz, he's going to be teaching you guys how to dance."

"Oh, hell no! Are you insane?"

"Elena, please! You know how much this wedding means to me."

"Of course I do, but why Klaus? I'm sure there are many skilled dance instructors who could teach me and Matt how to Waltz."

"Don't get mad at Klaus. This was totally my idea."

"Yeah, and not one of your brightest!"

"It's just for an hour. Please…"

There really was no point in arguing.

"Does Matt know about this?" I asked.

"Yes, he's going to be there soon, if not already."

I sighed and stepped out of the elevator. "Okay. Fine. I'll do it."

"Ahhhh, I love you! This wedding is going to be ah-mazing!"

"I'll text you later. I'm here now."

"Okay, have fun!"

Hah. Right. As if that was remotely possible around Klaus.

I was expecting to enter an empty dance studio, but there were about eight different couples dancing when I walked in. The space was huge and there was a large disco ball hanging from the ceiling.

"All right, my sexies!" said the flamboyant dance instructor. "Dance practise is over for tonight." He looked in my direction and approached me with a smile. "Are you waiting for Klaus?"

"And Matt," I added.

He smiled genuinely and told me that Klaus would be here shortly. "You have an extremely beautiful figure, my dear. You would make a wonderful ballroom dancer. Those legs! Ugh, I would kill to have my youthful body back."

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