Chapter 15

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Six months later.

For nearly a thousand years, my dreams have been plagued by the horrors of my transgressions... but nothing has ever compared to the agony of being ripped away from my dreams, only to realize the agony of my emptiness-the giant crater in my chest left by Elena Gilbert herself.

Leaving Mystic Falls was supposed to have freed me from never ending torture. It followed me all the way to New Orleans and has not left since. I still feel her... the touch of her lips against mine have left a permanent imprint on my soul. There have been many nights when I have had to resist the impulse to get in my car and gun it to Mystic Falls, full throttle. My only distractions have been dealing with the witches of the French quarter and Davina Claire.

I convinced Marcelle last month to move her out of that rundown attic. It simply was not fit for anyone to reside in. Davina is living under my roof now-well, the Mikaelson roof I should say, since my siblings live here, too. I think she's quite fond of me. Rebekah keeps saying that she's developed a silly little teenage crush on me, though I doubt it. I am much older than her and surely she would find someone more age appropriate.

Regardless, I am looking out for her and keeping her under my protection. Tonight I am hosting a winter ball and have invited several witch covens and wolf packs in hopes of establishing a peace treaty. Through a unanimous vote, my siblings and I have decided to keep Davina away from the festivities for her own protection. Though, she is fairly upset about it. I can't take any risks with her life. Something evil is headed this way, and the harvest witch is my wild card.

Klaus was about to finish his writing when someone entered his study.


He looked up and smiled as he closed his leather bound journal. "Davina."

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding."

"Not at all," he lied. "Come in."

She timidly sauntered toward the Hybrid and nervously brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear when he stood up. Being around Klaus always made her nervous-not because she feared him, but because she was attracted to him.

"Is there something you wanted to speak to me about?" he asked.

"When is Marcelle picking me up tonight?"

"Around six."

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind about letting me go to the party tonight?"

"I'm afraid not, sweetheart. Keeping you hidden from the other witches is for your own safety."

"But I'm the most powerful witch of New Orleans..."

"Your powers are unpredictable."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not in control of your powers, Davina... they're in control of you."

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