It Is That Time of The Year

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Lyra Andromeda Black is safe to say that she was going bonkers.

No, not because of The Exams, Not because of the sudden change from 40 marks to 80 marks, Not because she hasn't studied and definitely not because of The Principals annoying announcements.

It was because of the tension her classmates were giving her. You see, Lyra is the easy going girl, unlike majority of her classmates.

Maybe it was because of the fact that she was confident about the events. Or because she was busy calming others and finishing pending assignments that she didn't find the time to panic. Of course she had a tinge of fear but she quickly hides it, something she is quite good at.

Each of her Friends reaction are so

Eve is quite scared. No not because she wanted to score good marks.
The fear was because she hadn't touched school books ever since their first unit tests. And to think that she starts studying after that is wrong, of course she doesn't study. Lyra got Tired of explaining and stopped doing so.
Her mantra during this season is
' I am gonna Fail'
After their exam is over, they either play Harry Potter spells or just talk in sign language, earning wierd looks along the way

Tori, however much she studies in her life, frets at the thought of exams. Her classmates couldn't find a reason of why she should worry. But only a few knew that she was forced to go through her foundation courses for SAT rather than an actual school. Lyra, at times can't help but Pity her. She is also a slow writer, which can be a stress because the papers are often quite lengthy.

Eve had ever so kindly said that she and Lyra are not compatible. Probably because of their different views. Yas is the mugg up batch who learns definitions word by word. Lyra gets frustrated, and at times when she loses it snaps out at her. Along with that, She had picked up the habit of copying off answers from Lyra.

Hailey and Lyra have the type of friendship Eve can get jealous of. Lyra can't help but feel amused by it. Even Hailey is stuck in a situation similar to Lyra's. Her benchmate, Korina, is the other version of Yasmina. It gives them both the reason to talk about or give each other sorry glances when the partner copies off. Hailey is also the Easy Going girl like Lyra.

After their exams, it is a common ritual to check their question papers and mourn or rejoice over lost or gained marks. And then is Dispersal.

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