First Day of High School

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On a bright sunny day, Lyra finds herself standing in front of a massive building, also known as high school. Lyra was nervous, scared even. It was her first day and she had no one else with her other than Evelyn.

She roamed through the corridors, trying to find her homeroom. When she did find it, she found a teacher along with a few new faces. The teacher had brown hair and kept a flower on her head. Her name was, as she later found out, Alice.

She found herself a seat in the back, wanting to avoid all possible social interactions. And of course, Someone had to bug her.

" What's up" Came a voice. Lyra turned around to see Archie standing there with a smirk. Oh the last person she wanted to see.

"The fan, if you hadn't noticed" Lyra replied turning front.

"What's got you all gloomy, upset that your friend didn't come?" Archie asked, god did she wish she could wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"I think your only friend came right now, go bother him instead" Lyra retorted. 

And if you are thinking, no she is not rude. She is just mean to specific people.

"Really, couldn't you find someplace else?" Evelyn, out of nowhere, came and asked.

"This is the best one I could find" Lyra defended herself. 


They went through the horrible introductions and Lyra put her head down. Until..

"Archie, go and sit in the bench at the back" Ms. Alice ordered, pointing towards the bench behind Lyra and Evelyn. Oh great.


Lyra ignored him, picking up her book and started to read. It was the Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus. Evelyn was bugging Archie until..

"Hey, didn't you complete reading Jason I?" He asked curiously as Lyra turned the page to search for the prophecy.

"I was searching for something" Someone was quite observant

"Whatever" He said and continued talking to Eve, Lyra piping in once in a while. There were no classes that day, a sign to celebrate first day.

And then the last bell rang, signalling that they were released from juvenile prison of academics.

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