Mental Breakdown

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Dear Diary,

I am using Eve's technique to channel my emotions into paper and it's working I guess?

So The last 3 days are pretty much bad.
Who knew old decisions could affect us in the present.

It all started in the last year of Middle School. I think I told you my other best friend, Hailey, was quite the catch. She has boys lining up.

One of those boys was one of her closest friends. His affections towards her was pretty much obvious to everyone except her. Major Percy Jackson vibes.

So he decided to confide in me, telling that he was over Hailey and wanted to focus on his his. And I kept it a secret, not wanting to ruin their friendship. Boy how stupid I was.

If I had a time machine, I would go back to that time and say" Inform Hailey, remember our pact, Screw him"

And come on, he no longer had a crush on her, so why should I be even saying anything.

Or that's what I thought

Fast forward to first year at High School. He proposed to Hailey. I was sick and stayed home. She called me and told me all about it.

And then I made another bad decision.
I told her the secret.
I could have diligently kept my mouth shut and act as if I never knew.
But the Gryffindor in me loves risks.

And of course, she was mad. And did not talk to me till now. Can't she bloody understand I did it for their stupid friendship.

Did she want to talk this out?

Did I apologize?
Yes like a gazillion times

Is this the end of your friendship?
Probably, it's the doom.

Eve has been pretty supportive though. I don't know who's side she's really on, but I am glad she has my back. She has practically been the therapist. Distracting me, talking and just being there. I couldn't thank her enough.

She thinks she is a bad friend but she isn't. If anything I'm being the whiny friend.

And thanks to Hailey's cold demeanor, I had to silently cry during class. What? I didn't want Eve to get suspicious and worried. Plus, I am kind of emotional and it's the first time we fought like this.

Suddenly I get why Caroline is the way she is. Someway, she is controlling her emotions. I wish even I could do it.

But I just wish Hailey and I could get back to the way we were

Wish me luck,

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