The Boyfriend

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Before you think, no Lyra did not get a boyfriend. You obviously couldn't expect her to fall for idiots.

It was Eve. Yes she got the boy of her dreams. Of course he was an idiot( A blabbering idiot at that) but he made Eve happy so it was all that mattered. The boy was Jeremy Miller, the classic jock of the class.

Eve certainly had a thing for tall boys.

It was kept a secret and the only ones who knew were Lyra and Jackass( Sorry Jeremy's) sister.

They are not exactly the masters of discretion. They were often spotted holding hands and smiling at each other.

One day, they had nothing to do. Classes were cancelled and Lyra had nothing to do other than tagging along with the love birds. It was pretty much clear they were going too fast and becoming serious.

All the time Lyra had a thought ringing in her mind" Screw the headmistress"
She didn't want to be the third wheel.

Of course they were entertaining but it became boring at a point.

Some girls dragged them to a game. And when Eve got dares related to boys, Lyra could see Jeremy trying to control his jealousy. It was easy to spot as his smile disappeared and a scowl replaced it. Lyra was quite amused by their feelings for each other.

And a teacher saw them holding hands, which freaked Eve out. Jeremy and Lyra had to ask her to chill. In the end, she and Lyra had to sing the Harry Potter song.

There once was a boy named Harry
Who was destined to be a star
His parents were killed by Voldemort( Voldyshortz)

" It's Voldemort"

That cheered her up. But of course the new couple was something refreshing to see. It was pretty much of a Rom-Com for her.

And she hoped it wouldn't end on a bad note. They made a great couple.

Not Percabeth Perfect or Jily Wonderful or Stelena Spectacular but Evemy Great

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