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"Wait a minute, are you guys sure that's what you saw?" Jonathan asked Will and El. They had pulled Jonathan out of Workshop to inform him about how Angela had tripped El onto the ground then just as she was about to gloat over El, something grabbed hold of Angela and dragged her across the hard before slamming her against a wall. She wasn't badly wounded or anything, but it was off. Especially when Will explained to Jonathan how he could have swore a hand came from the ground and pulled her across the yard like Lizzy could. 

"Positive." Will told him. 

"But Lizzy's in Hawkins, there's no way she could have done something like this from all the way there. Maybe El somehow did it." Jonathan pointed out. 

"No. I tried on the way here. Nothing happened." El told him. 

"Maybe it's someone with similar powers as Lizzy? Or somehow Lizzy sensed El's distress and found a way to channel her powers to defend El?" Will explained to them. 

"I don't know. That's a long shot." Jonathan stated to them. 

"Jonathan, we fought against monsters, had to kill demodogs, the Mind Flayer two times, alongside Russians. I think Lizzy being able to find a way to channel her powers should be a now on the table of possibilities that may happen to us." Will reminded him, "I think we should give her a call at least and ask." 

"Yeah, that would be a cheery conversation. 'Hey Lizzy, how are you doing? Good, great! Hey by the way we wanted to ask you if maybe you had found a way to use your powers from where you're at to beat up El's bully in California?'" Jonathan ranted. 

"We don't have to word it like that. We just have to simply ask her if anything strange happened. That's all." El suggested to them. Jonathan sighed. 

"Fine, only because I want to confirm this whole nightmare is over with." Jonathan stated before turned around and heading for a phone. 

Susan was shivering so violently; she had a hard time holding her bottle of beer. Beads of cold sweat dripped down her face while she bit her bottom lip. She didn't know what was going on with her. She felt like she was going insane. She didn't know what but she kept hearing the sound of a grandfather clock echoing through her head. She kept getting these headaches, nosebleeds... and she's seeing things... horrible things. 

She coughed a little as she forced herself off the couch and over to the kitchen counter. As she was setting down her cup, a slapping noise echoed in her ears. Her head shot up as there soon was light whimpering and heavy sobs. 

"Hello-- Who's there?" Susan called out. She tip-toed along the hallways till she reached to the end of the corridor. She faced the closed door, listening as the cries were louder.

"Hello?" Susan spoke up again. 

"Why didn't you do anything?" a voice echoed through the door. Her heart stopped. 

"Billy?" she mumbled his name. The door began shaking violently as a pounding sound reached her ears. 

"WHY DID YOU LET HIM DO IT?! WHY DID YOU LET HIM HURT ME?! ANSWER ME, DAMNIT!" Billy's voice screamed at her. Susan fell to her knees as her hands pressed against her ears, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"Shut up! Please! Shut up!" Susan pleaded, sobs escaping her throat. 


She gasped as she turned to see Max standing in the hallway with Lizzy and Billy standing behind her. All of them looked at her horrified like they had found a corpse or something instead. Max rushed over to her as she hunched over trying to see if she could help Susan up. 

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