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A/n: This chapter contains violent images. You have been warned. 

"You sure you still couldn't reach her?" Jonathan asked while they sat at the airport waiting for Mike to show up. El and Will shook their head. They were anxious. Not only were they happy Mike was about to show up, but also they were hoping to get some answers about what's going on in Hawkins. It felt like a few minutes till they finally spotted Mike walking in, but he didn't look as thrilled as they were hoping. 

"Hey guys!" He called out as he hugged both El and Will then shook hands with Jonathan and Argyle, who hugged Mike to make sure his shirt was a real brand and not a rip-off. 

"So guys there's something I wanted to talk to you about... but we shouldn't say in front of presence company." Mike mumbled shooting his eyes over to Argyle who was now staring off into space. 

"We also needed to talk to you about something. It's Lizzy." Will mentioned. 

"Oh! Yeah, I got it somewhere." Mike cut in. Will and El shared a look till Mike pulled out the Ultrasound. 

"Whoa it's getting bigger? How's Lizzy and Billy doing about the whole thing?" Jonathan asked. 

"They're great. Lizzy wishes Billy would stop laughing at her when she struggles to get onto her feet." Mike explained to them. They all laughed as they proceeded to head to a more private place to explain these things. 

"We should be out there! We should be helping out in some way instead of being here!" Robin mumbled as she and Steve walked around the Family Video putting up videos from the rental bin. 

"We have work, Robin. Don't worry, Billy's working at his job to and he's probably thinking the same thing. But Nancy, Lizzy, and the other munchkins are going to try and get some answers about the whole thing. Eddie is going to stay in Max's trailer and is going to be watched over him. We don't know if whatever killed Chrissy is going to come after Eddie next." Steve assured Robin as he finished placing all the movies on the shelves, "Don't worry. We've survived through so much crap together, I'm sure we'll be able to figure out how to handle this." 

"Wait so something killed a cheerleader in Eddie's Trailer?" Will asked while they sat in a booth, slurping their drinks. 

"We're not sure what happened, but everyone's going to investigate to ensure it's nothing involving the Upside Down world. However, we have a feeling it might so we thought maybe we  could convince Joyce to maybe let you guys come back to Hawkins to figure out what's happen." Mike explained to them. 

"We might be able to." El suggested. 

"So what is it about Lizzy you two wanted to talk about?" Mike asked them. El opened her mouth to speak when a voice spoke out causing her stomach to twist into knots. 

"Well-- hello there!" Angela spoke as she and her friends, "And where have you been hiding this handsome thing?" 

"Um--" El spoke, looking between Will and Mike before landing her eyes up towards Angela, "Angela, this is Mike, my boyfriend." 

"Angela, Please." Angela said, reaching her hand out to Mike. 

"Heard a lot about you." Mike said, shaking her hand, "It's really cool to finally meet some of Jane's Friends." 

"Friends? Yeah. Super cool." Angela lied, "Come on, friend. Let's skate, shall we?" 

"Oh! I wanted to finish--" El started when one of Angela's male friends grabbed her milkshake and mumbled how he'll hold it for her. Angela then grabbed hold of El's wrists and pulled her up to the rink. El felt nervous as they were rolling around the rink. They finally reached the middle of the rink where Angela told her to wait there. Just as Angela rolled away, the DJ spoke through his mic. 

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