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A/n: This chapter contains sexual imagery. You have been warned. 

"Oh my God! STEVE!" Nancy screamed as she felt someone pushing her to the side. She watched as Eddie grabbed hold of a table and pulled it in front of the gate before climbing up on it then through the gate. They watched as he fell down onto the floor into the other world. He soon picked himself up from the floor as he rushed out of the living room. 

"Eddie! Hang on, we're coming right behind you!" Robin called out as Nancy, Robin, Jason and Billy proceed through the gate. 

"You kids stay here and watch Lizzy! And make something to get our asses right back out again!" Billy ordered while he vanished through the gate. 

Steve struggled and while he tried to scream, but it came out muffled by the creature's tail wrapped around his neck. He didn't know what the hell they were but these bat-like creatures swarmed by the hundreds around him as the one with its tail around his neck dragged him into the midst of a clearing. A couple dropped down around him as they proceeded to tear his shirt to shreds then proceeded to bite into his skin. He began to see stars and thought this was how it was all going to end for him till he saw one fly to the side. 

"Robin! Hold that one down!" Eddie screamed, flinging what appeared like a wooden bat around. 

"I got it!" Robin said while she held the one that was holding Steve's neck down before Eddie proceeded to wack it with the bat. From the corner of Steve's eye, he could see Jason, Billy, and Nancy rushing towards him with weapons. They proceeded to try and swing at the bats. Billy and Jason were swinging knives at them while Nancy came over to help Eddie and Robin get the bat off Steve. 

"Eddie! Look out man!" Jason screamed. Eddie soon was taken down to the ground as a bat was trying to nip at him. 

"SHIT! SHIT! SOMEONE GET IT OFF ME!" Eddie cried out. 

"Eddie! Hold still man!" Billy shouted while he went trying to cut the bat apart as the bat was pulling Eddie's hair and making an attempt to gnaw at Eddie's face. It was then Steve soon found the strength to reach up and pull the tail off his neck before standing up on his feet and slamming it down on the ground. Soon the bats fluttered away, clearly sure they weren't going to win this. 

"JESUS CHRIST!" Jason shouted, pushing his hands through his hair. 

"Steve are you okay?" Nancy asked him. 

"Besides the fact I'm sure the bats ate a pound of my flesh-- I'm pretty sure I'm okay." Steve assured them. 

"Do you think these bats have rabies?" Robin suddenly asked. 

"What?" Billy asked. 

"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear and I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in it's too late. You're already dead!" Robin explained to them. 

"Robin, we are stand in the midst of a literal hell! I think there's more things to worry about than rabies!" Jason shot at her, "Now can we get the hell out of here?" 

Steve suddenly felt a hint of wooziness come over him as he found himself falling into Nancy and Robin's arms. 

"Yeah! We need to get you back so we can wrap your wounds." Nancy admitted. 

"So the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies, but if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know." Robin ranted to him. 



"I kinda want to punch you." Steve shot at her. She blurted out laughing. 

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