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"Do you think Steve would be okay with the Chicken Soup?" Dustin asked while he and the gang were making their way back to Eddie's room. 

"If he had common sense, he would chuck it out into the trash bin." Max commented, looking at the bland, greasy bowl of soup  as she was trying to figure out if the strange brown rock-looking thing was either burnt chicken or something else entirely. While they were turning a corner, they heard a voice they thought they would never hear again. 



They turned to see Eddie high-rolling it down the hallway in a wheelchair as Steve was trying to chase him down. 

"EDDIE!" Dustin screamed as he flung the tray to the side and rushed over towards him when Steve finally was able to grab hold of Eddie's wheelchair to slow him down. Dustin nearly jumped into the wheelchair with Eddie as he hugged him as tightly as one could. 

"I missed you man! I thought you were a goner!" Dustin cried into his shoulder. 

"That's great man, but lets wheel and talk." Eddie shot at him as he lightly shoved Dustin from his lap. 

"Why? What's going on? Is everything alright?" Lucas asked, looking concern. 

"He's fine. It's Lizzy. She's in labor." Steve admitted to them. 

"LIZZY'S IN LABOR!" Max screamed, "Where is she?" 

"Obviously, she is in the delivery room." Steve shot at them. 

"Well lets go! Lets go! Lets go!" Max screamed as she hurried behind Eddie and began rolling him down the hallway with the kids rushing behind him and Steve running behind telling them to be careful where they were going. 

*El's House* 

"Whoa-- this place is definitely in need of a cleanup." Karen mumbled as they all walked around the house. It was a complete disaster. The windows were all broken, glass, leaves and other debris covered the ground, the walls were full of holes where they had been attacked by the Mind Flayer. The place reeked of decay and death. 

Right away everyone began to try and clean up as best as they could with the limited cleaning supply they had on hand.... except for Argyle, who was searching for mushrooms and everyone was secretly okay with that since he wasn't in the way. Karen was helping Jonathan and Nancy with boarding up the windows and couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the two of them. She picked up on the fact they seemed glad the other hadn't been there with them then when Nancy brought up Jonathan's college application letter, he denied it even though (Karen won't admit it) she knew Jonathan had already gotten his letter since she asked Joyce about it and Joyce explained how Jonathan did have the letter. 

As she watched Jonathan take a moment to get some more nails for them, Karen stood wondering if she should inform Nancy about what she knew. It was hard to be a mother. On one hand, Karen wanted to inform Nancy that Jonathan is lying and being completely distance because he might be having second thoughts about their relationship but then on the other hand, Karen didn't want to hurt her baby girl. 

On the inside, the parents, Sullivan, Owens, Mike, Will, and El were sweeping and picking up things from the ground, so that it could be almost like its former self. Mike was picking up a few leaves and shoving them into trash bags when he noticed something going on with Will. 

"Will? Are you okay?" he asked him. 

"Just worried... about next time." Will mumbled. 

"Next time? We won, Will. Lizzy and El, they beat One." Mike assured him. 

"No... they didn't." he confessed, "Now that I'm here, in Hawkins, I can feel him. And he's hurt. He's hurting. But he's still alive. It's strange, knowing now who it was this whole time, but... I can still remember what he thinks, and how he thinks. And he's not going to stop. Ever. Not until he's taken everything... and everyone. We have to kill him." 

"And we will." Mike assured him again. Just then their attention shifted to the sound of a car engine pulling up in the drive way. 

El was busy cleaning her room when she found an old box of things.  She pulled it out as she looked through it. There was the empty soda bottle Max and her used to spin the bottle, a photo stud of both Lizzy, El, and Max doing silly poses, a copy of a Wonder Woman comic Max lend to her to read, a free coupon Steve gave to her for Scoops Ahoy, a fancy metallic purple-blue guitar pick from Eddie, and a bottle of hairspray Billy had bought for her on her birthday. 

Her attention drifted at the sound of someone coming towards her door, causing her to stand up from the floor. The door swung open and to her surprise she saw Hopper standing right before her eyes, alive and well. 

"Hey, kid." He said.

"Hi," She uttered, her voice cracking. Hopper hurried over to her as they embraced each other in a tight hug. 

"I kept it open." She told him, "I kept the door open three inches." 

"I know." He whispered back as they pulled apart. 

"I never stopped believing." 

"Oh, I know. It's okay. I'm here." he assured her, grinning down at her. 


"We might want to get out there before Karen kills your Mom." Hopper advised her. El chuckled, shaking her head. 

"Where were you?" El asked, curious of what had happened to him. 

"I was stuck in Russia trying to destroy the demogorgons they had over there. what about you?" he asked her. 

"We fought against an evil wizard by the name of Vecna." El explained. Hopper's eyes widened. 

"Vecna?" he whispered. 


"Vecna... that's the name Alexei said when we were asking him about why he and the other Russians were doing here in America. He said they were looking for Lizzy so they could find Vecna." Hopper stated. 

"Why were they looking for Lizzy? Why would they be looking for Vecna?" El asked, trying to make sense of all of it. Hopper opened his mouth to speak when he was cut off by sound of a thunderous roar. They quickly hurried their way outside of the cabin as they noticed the sky was beginning to darken, flakes of ash flow down from the sky, which began to flash with lightning and roar with thunder. They rushed through the woods, making their way across to an opening field. Half of it was still flourishing, bright and colorful while another half was engulf in death and decay. El bend down as she pick up one of the flowers before glancing up towards where Hawkins was located. Clouds of smoke and flames went soaring through the air. 

Another thunderous voice billowed through the air, causing El to shiver as she watched from the smoke and lightning a three-headed dragon crawling out of the cracks of the earth, spreading its wings out. Its heads twisted and twirled, gazing down on the town it was looming over before moving its head upward. El's eyes meet with the head in the middle, for a moment they stared at each other before it lifted its head up and roared its battlecry against into the sky. 

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