Chapter 6

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After what had happened yesterday and last night's events , both Yui and mizuki didn't get enough sleep for the past two days because the boys kept coming one after the other sucking their blood.

It was Ayato and Yui, and then it was Subaru and mizuki, the guys just couldn't get enough of how good the girls blood were.

Sadly they couldn't kill them so they started allowing the girls to live with them because they had no choice in the matter, and of course they also had too attend night school and that is where they are heading too now.

It was quiet in the limo, both Yui and mizuki sat beside each other while Subaru sat on the other side of mizuki and Ayato sat on the other side of Yui. Across from them was Shu, Reiji, and Laito , while Kanato sat beside Ayato.

Of course Shu was sleeping and listening too his music as always, while Reiji had his head in his book, and the others were minding their own businesses.

"Oi, pancake give ori-sama your blood, I'm thirsty", says Ayato as he tries getting Yui on his lap , "no"! Yui shouts as she pushes him away, " tch, you dare disobey ori-sama"!? He says as he grabs her hand forcibly.

"Ori-sama huh"? " What a pathetic nickname for a man", I say as I look at him, " what did you say"!? He asks me as he shouts, " don't shout, no one's shouting but you, it's annoying", I say bluntly, " tch, if pancake won't give me her blood than I'll just take some of yours", he says as he suddenly grabs me but then I was forced backwards by a strong hand , I turn to see Subaru holding onto me as he glares at Ayato ", piss off , she's mine", he says in a low growl.

"Tch, fine whatever, I bet her blood taste awful anyways ", he says as he backs down.

"Would you all be quiet, teddy can't stand hearing all this nonsense"! Shouts Kanato, " he's right, this fighting is nonsense", says Reiji as he glares at me.

"It's all you're fault you know", says Kanato as he glares at yui, "my fault"? Yui asks confused.

Time passes.................

It's been two hours  since the argument happened between mizuki , Ayato, and Yui and finally they all arrived at the school.

"I have both yui's and mizuki's schedule for this semester, the fact that it's alrighty the middle of semester is trouble some, but it can't be helped , so Mizuki you're a 2nd year student, while Yui is a 1st year student at Minetei Academy High School, this is where you two will be attending school from now on, and since that's the case , mizuki you'll be following me and Shu to the second and third section of the building while Yui follows Ayato, Laito, Kanato, AND Subaru on first section of the building", says Reiji as he hands mizuki and Yui their schedules.

After that they guys stepped out of the limo first and suddenly all you could hear were fangirls screaming out their names.

"Ahhhhhhhh! It's the Sakamaki brothers! They're here"! They shout in excitement.

"Omg! It's Laito and Ayato "! Girl #1

"Everyone it's Shu! Omg"! Girl #2

*Gasps* " theirs Subaru and Kanato"! Girl #3

As all the guys stepped out , Yui stepped out behind them and then suddenly it all went quiet, thank goodness. Mizuki couldn't handle all the noise.

"Ugh, who's that ugly b*tch", says one of them, " and why is she with the princes", says the other, " she better stay away from Ayato or she's dead", the other says. And then they all start spitting out bad names at Yui as if she were the next victim of bullying.

Finally mizuki steps out after Yui, and then everyone stays quiet , mizuki walks beside Yui reassuring her that she'll do any necessary thing to protect her. Even though she's annoying at times, Yui is still her sister AND family.

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