Part 17

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James' POV

I walked into Ally's house only to hear silence of course it was 1 am but I didn't mind if she was sleeping I wanted to make sure that she was okay I mean yeah she was only on her period and all but I still worried about her. I made it to her doorway then I saw that image that broke my heart a little but then I heard her say all those things. It all made sense to me then all the reasons she was acting weird and why she left today... she was just trying to protect her best friend. She kept his secret because she wanted to keep his trust. I just stood there speechless I didn't know what to say the only thing I did know was that I love her so much she was such a good person that I didn't want to lose. Vin saw me I knew I was caught and then Ally turned around I could tell she was scared to see me standing there she had nothing to worry about though I heard everything. Through everything that happened up until the moment of truth. I told her the three words I've been wanting to tell her for the longest time. I love you. I know it was bad timing but she needed to hear it. My heart filled with happiness when she said it back. I watched her run out after him and all I could do was wait.

Ally's POV

I ran after Vin he didn't get very far since he was just walking I turned him around and I pulled him into me I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could at first he didn't react but then he hugged me back. I didn't want my best friend to do anything stupid I want him to be happy. I wanted him to be the same ol' Vin always making the lamest jokes that always managed to make me laugh. His bright personality just lifting everybody's mood back up. That was the person I needed and tonight just laying in my bed in utter silence let me know that a part of the old Vin was still there he just needed to find himself again. I needed to do the old things that we used to do again. I just need him to find himself.

"Please don't leave Vin stay with me tonight me and you just like the old times" I told him

"No no I can't stay tonight Ally you and James have to talk about this, I'm sorry I almost fucked up your relationship and that is not okay after what you told me tonight made me open my eyes. I need to get used to the fact that I had a chance with you and I fucked it up with Rylee. It's too late for me but I want you to be happy. James is a good guy I know that he will treat you good and at the end of the road if anything were to happen with you guys just know that I will be there waiting for you with wide open arms. Just always remember that. I'm gonna go home okay me and you can hang out tomorrow does that sound good?

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. I just needed to see that everything was going to be okay just him saying it wasn't just enough for me but I mean it's a start, I had a good vibe that everything was going to be good it would just take time but that was something I was willing to wait for.

"Okay but you have to promise me that you won't do anything reckless. Don't want you to go all Bella on me when Edward left her kay?" I told him.

"I won't I promise you Twilight nerd" he told me as he chuckled

"I resent that mister" I told him as I punched his arms lightly

"You're such a dork Allz but that's what I love about you now go back inside you have somebody waiting for you" he said as he lightly shoved me towards the door.

I pulled him in for a hug and I swear I could of hugged the life out of him I was holding him so tight.

"Geez Allz you have a tight grip" he laughed as he hugged me.

"Sorry I'm just glad that everything is good now" I told him as I let go.

"Thanks. I can breathe again but go c'mon I'll call you tomorrow kay?" he told me

"Okay later let me know when you're home" I instructed him

"Okay mom" he said.

I walked back into my house and walked down to my room to find James laying on my bed.

"Well I guess I have explaining to do." I told him.

"Nah I heard enough" he said.

"Nope you're going to find out no more secrets between us okay?" I told him as I sat next to him.

"I suppose" he said sarcastically.

"Get ready for the longest story of your life." I said as I flopped onto my back. I spent at least an hour and a half telling him the story about Vin not leaving out any details... Yep that included the kiss.

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