Part 8: Time of Your Life

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Well time went on and it was time for our cast party.. James and I have gotten really close lately I guess you could say he is my best friend now.. he knows everything about me and I know everything about him... We haven't talked about the kiss.. which I really want to I mean was it just for the show or was it real... I know to me it was real.. even though it was a stage kiss but oh well.. Tyler and I still talk and we hang out on ocasion.. he is trying really hard to get back together with me.. I mean we do have our little makeout sessions.. but it's not to the point.. but you know.. I know it's not the best thing to do .. James and I aren't anything though we are just best friends even though people obviously talk that we like eachother but we don't even realize it yet which kinda pisses me off because we are just friends.. yeah I am attracted to him but I mean ... he has a girlfriend.. maybe we had our time before but it just didn't work out which you know is life..

"HEYY EVERYBODY HOW IS EVERYBODY DOING!?" yelled out our director.

"Good thanks Doug!!" we all replied

" Well since we are trying to give you guys the cast party that you never had before we are going to watch your preformance.." he said.

"You guys recorded it?!" some of the other cast members shouted out.

"Yup we didn't tel you because we didn't want to freak you guys out haha but yeah let's watch it." said Doug.

So far everything was going good I was sitting with my little group and I was laying on James.. it came to the point of our scene.. Oh lord how embarrasing but then I realized what night it was IT WAS THE NIGHT HE KISSED ME HOLY CRAP well I kinda got this knot in my stomach and Bam he kissed me and everybody looked back at us with shocking eyes. I felt like the horror movie music was playing the DUN DUN DUN crap..

WOAH WOAH WOAH YOU GUYS KISSED?!?! WOAHH!!! OHMYGOSH!! those were the usual reactions we got from everybody and we were just like yeahh.. pretty interesting I know.. the rest of night was just kinda awkward.. I just didn't know what was going to happen from there.. .


Well that night James and I decided to have a sleepover we were just being silly and having a good time.. I ended bringing the kiss up.. I knew it was horrible timing but it was just killing me.. you have no idea how bad it was killing me I knew he had a girlfriend and then I got to thinking...does she know that me and him are so close and have sleepovers...

James..", I asked shyly


" I wanted to say this for a while now but I didn't know how to bring it up so I kinda just kept quiet.. oh well here it goes.. that kiss.... I know it was for the show but why didn't you stick to the script.. I mean that is what your suppose to do .. and it wasn't the last night so there really wasn't a reason to change it and it just caught me off guard" I just kept going on and on I probably sounded like BLAH BLAH BLAH.

"It's because I really wanted to feel the scene and the audiece could actually see we are really in love I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't sure if I was going to do it.. I was just arguing with myself about it because of Taylor.." He said.

"Yeah that is something else I wanted to talk about.. does she know we are this close .. that we have sleepovers.. because if not then i would feel really bad and its just way to hard to even do that knowing that.." I told him.

"Well she knows we are really close I mean you are my best friend.. but to ths extent she doesn't know." he told me.

"Why don't you tell her I feel horrible James.." I firmly said.

"I just don't want her to want me to quit hanging out with you."

"Yeah but still.. its just uhm wow.." I said with a dissapointed tone in my voice.

"LETS change the topic because we are here to have fun not to have a long serious talk with one another.. "He cheerfully said.

"Yeah I guess your right..I sorry I'm just yeah..." I said.

"Your fine.." he told me with a reassuring smile

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