Part 21

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Vin's POV

James told me that it would be a good idea to go down and listen to the girls talk. I was confused by this I mean they wanted to talk about girl things but I agreed. I heard what I was waiting to hear I knew that Samantha had been cheating on me but I just wanted to hear her say it. I caught her 2 days ago making plans to go to the movies with some guy. I wanted to end it with her but Ally kept bugging me for me to come and Sam really wanted to go. I was going to break up with her after we left Ally's I mean they were good friends. Sam told me that she like Ally a lot and she was glad she met her so that's why I took her. But I heard the way she was talking to Ally and it made me open my eyes. I was growing distant from my best friend for a stupid girl that was cheating on me. I felt awful but Ally knew how to defend herself she told her what was up. Something I loved about Ally. Her ability to stand up for herself she was independent she was simply Ally. After Sam left I felt a relief come over me it was such a good feeling knowing that I didn't have to deal with her anymore. My friends were confused by my happiness thinking I'd be heartbroken but hey it only made me a stronger person now.

Ally's POV

This was it, it was over now no more Sam. She was gone well even though she threatened us I highly doubted that she would actually do anything she was just a crazy psychotic girl that didn't know what she had in front of her. A good guy, somebody that was willing to take a bullet for her. Those types of guys were really hard to come by now and days. I really hope that he wouldn't be hurt by this I mean he seemed okay but that's just typical Vin holding all his emotions in and not accepting when he's hurt. I really want him to find love and be happy with a girl. Sam made him happy even though she was crazy.

"Vin are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.

"Yes I am Allz, I knew Sam was cheating on me I was going to do it tonight actually and you really helped to make it easier for me thanks for that." he told me with a really big smile

It was really hard to believe him right now I mean I'd be devastated to know that I was being cheated on and still be able to smile.. no that was just to much to take in.

"Vin are you sure we're here for you" I told him again.

"Ally I'm fine just drop it okay?" he told me

"Okay I'm sorry" I told him.

I felt bad because I kept bugging him about it but I was worried about him I wanted to make sure he was okay. I mean it just didn't feel normal for him just to be so peachy about it. I mean yeah I could understand that he was happy she was gone because of the whole cheating thing but wasn't there suppose to be pain along with that? I wasn't sure on what was going to happen after this I just really hoped that he wouldn't go back to the old crazy suicidal thinking Vin because I really didn't want to go down that road that's for sure.

5 months later

Things were going great school was about to end here in a couple of days. James and I were still going strong and Vin well he was just Vin he stopped searching for love and let love find him. He started to focus more on school and getting his grades up to straight A's he was a good kid he didn't go back to his dark ways. Him and James became really close friends which was just an amazing thing for me I mean my two best guys becoming best friends. What more could a girl want.

Vin's POV

Life was good. I had perfect grades the best of friends an overall perfect life. I really didn't date anymore I was too busy focusing on better things so I stopped chasing after girls. Sam tried to hook up with me again but that of course didn't happen. I heard she dropped out of school because she ended up getting pregnant. Poor girl I mean that would suck not being able to finish school because of that I hope that things go good for her though. Just because she cheated on me didn't really mean anything I don't mind her I actually she succeeds in life and just ends up being happy. I mean isn't that what everybody is meant for? We all have our purpose in life we just have to wait and find out what it is. Sooner or later I will find my purpose in life.

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