Part 6: Safe and Sound

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Ally's POV

I started to get ready to go hang out with Tyler.. he is really a nice guy and all but all that we've been through and the rest of the girls makes me think twice about him but whenever I'm with him I forget everything.. all my doubt and wow how pathetic am I hmm maybe I just need a new stradagy .. maybe if I think about the show.. nahh.. I think enough about that or maybe even.. uhmm James.. nahhhhh or.. well uh..



T: Hey Ally you ready?

A: Oh yeah I am..

T: Where you at?

A: My moms..

T: Ohkay I know where that is.. I'll be there in like 2.5 seconds okay see you in a few

I hungup and sighed to the thought of me becoming close to Tyler again.. it always ends in heartbreak but I always go back to him.


I opened the door and I saw Tyler standing there with a bouquet of roses and daisies.. My favorite..

"Oh wow uhm Tyler thanks you really don't have to do that.."

I know but I wanted to beacause your really special to me" he said with a smile on his face.

"Oh thanks.. Here I'll just go set these in a vase.. you can come in and make yourself at home, I said with a smile.

I recieved a text James: I miss you already A :( I got the biggest smile on my face as I reply miss you too but I'll see you in a couple of hours (:

J: Yeah they better hurry (:

A: Trust me it'll be worth the wait (:

J: Better be (;

I saw the message and just locked my phone (: I turned around and Tyler was just standing behind me and he pulled me in tight and kissed me with so much passion it was unbelievable.. I couldn't help but kiss him back.. he lifted me and placed me on the counter.. he was so gentle with me.. just like the first time he wasn't pushing so hard he wasn't rough, rude simply gentle.. I felt safe and sound in is arms I felt alright like nobody could ever hurt me.. I pulled away and dug my face into his chest and smiled.. I felt something but I wasn't sure exactly on what it was.. love.. or what... he smiled at me and said,

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that to you" he kissed me once more so sweet but so passionate at the same time so many emotions ran through my mind..

We kinda just stayed in that positition for a couple of minutes.. he lifted my chin and said I was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and that he is truely sincinerly sorry for everything he has ever done to hurt me.. I of course said it was alright even though it hurt to think back onto those memories.. he kissed me once more it was the softest kiss I've ever felt... I stood there contimplating if I should go back to this part of me that wants him more than anything... I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back and I've never felt so loved just standing there in his arms.. I'll always have some sort of feeling for him.. since he is of course my first kiss.. every girl has those special feelings for her first kiss.. at least I know I do... but was it safe to even think about those feelings... I'm not sure but there is really only one way to find out... I just hope I don't fuck things up for myself...

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