Part 18

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Ally's POV

James was very understanding about the whole thing. He was very concerned about Vin now not wanting anything to happen to him which made me feel so good about everything knowing that Vin now had three people looking out for him. I explained to James that today was going to be an Ally and Vin day which he was totally okay with since he was going to spend the day with Thomas since he hasn't been able to spend some time with his best friend. So today was just a best friends kind of day. Vin had been over for about an hour now there has not been a dull moment since he arrived. We were playing guitar hero and once again I was whooping some major behind. Vin just said I was cheating. Seeing him smile though.. and hearing him laugh just reminded me of how lucky I really was,I had an amazing boyfriend and an amazing best friend that was becoming himself again. The rest of the day went on and I literally had the time of my life I missed hanging out with him like the old days there were times when James would text me to check up on me and Vin would roll his eyes but nothing to extreme. He would be okay I knew he would be.

1 month later

Vin's POV

It's been a month since everything has happened. What can I say I still love Ally with all my heart and I always will but she is really happy with James and who knows maybe down the road there will be a bump in it and it causes them to split and like I told her I will be there waiting for her with open arms. I started to talk to this girl named Sam. She was pretty great I still haven't told Ally about her yet because I'm not sure about my feelings towards her just quite yet but then again Ally is a girl she can help me with this. I'll just ask her when I see her later. I feel like things have gotten better I lost the psychotic part of me and I know that made Ally very happy. I was very selfish doing that to her I could've made her lose her relationship with James which I couldn't do to her she suffered enough when I left her for Rylee. I knew how much Ally liked me but I couldn't risk it. That was our friendship that was on the line that's why I dated Rylee hoping that my feelings for Ally would go away because I couldn't feel that type of emotion towards my best friend, but she is such a strong person and she moved on and didn't do anything stupid like I did. Gosh how could I put Ally through that. Looking back on it I was such a little prick gosh I knew Ally couldn't swim and there I go throwing myself off the docks. Looking back on those things just wasn't right I've moved on. We've all moved on from that time. Time really did it's thing. I'm proud on how far I really made it. I decided to go to Ally's a little earlier than planned I knew that she wasn't doing anything because James was out of town so she was probably eating in her room because she is really bored. I don't understand why she does that she's not hungry yet she eats cause she's bored. That girl worries me sometimes. I walked into her house and down her stairs sure enough to find her eating food and watching Netflix. Typical Ally I laughed at her.

"Jesus you scared me" she told me.

"I could tell you like jumped really high" I said as I laughed at her angry expression

"You're here early" she said

"I can go if you want"

"Nah just stay cause I'm bored" she told me as she stuffed food into her mouth. For a girl that eats a lot she never gained any weight. Unbelievable.

"I know you're bored because you're eating" I told her

"You know me so well" she said as she laughed.

"So I need to tell you something" I told her as I sat next to her on her bed.

"Yeah?" she said. My phone lit up revealing the name on it Sam <3. Needless to say I didn't have to say anything else she automatically knew what I was going to say.

Ally's POV

When I saw his phone lit up revealing the name of the person who texted him was enough to make me interested on what he was going to say even though I knew what he was going to say. It was Vin he was never any good when it came to girls which is totally understandable he's shy and just doesn't know the right words to say. But this is why I was here. I was his best friend that was going to help him win this girl so we could go on double dates, and then me and Sam could go get manicures and all those things girls do and we can become BFF's. I realized that I was day dreaming about all this stuff and Vin was just looking at me like I was the weirdest person on the face of the earth.

"What?" I asked him.

"What the hell were you thinking about you got this weird look on your face. You kinda looked constipated." He said as he started to laugh.

"Shut up! I did not look constipated you're just dumb and I was thinking about all the wonderful things that would come out of you having this girl in your life." I started to explain.

"Oh really like what??"

"Well we could go get mani/pedis and manicures and go shopping and go get our hair done together and---" my words were cut off

"These are only wonderful things for you this doesn't involve me at all Ally" he told me.

"Oh.. .um you would be a very lucky fella that is a wonderful thing isn't it?" I asked him as I gave him a cheesy smile.

I could tell that I was annoying him with my stupid faces and my stupid reasons. I knew I had to help him win this girl. I think she is the key to having the real Vin back.

"Tell me about her Vin"

He looked up and his eyes sparkled. I knew that he liked this girl a lot so I was going to do all that I could to help him get this girl.

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