4. Willow Forgiving Him Part 2

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Willow Nott has been heartbroken for the past week, well ever since she found out that Cedric Diggory cheated on her with Cho Chang. Since then guys have been throwing themselves at her and at least 6 fights over her had happened just in a week. Theodore and the boys have been more protective than usual because of everything that has been happening, including her breakup. Plus in this story phones and other devices will be brought up.



I was sitting down under a tree with Theodore helping him study for his upcoming exam.

"UGHHH, I seriously can't get this right," said Theodore.

"Yes you will, you just need a little more practice and study more," I said, trying to encourage him.

Just then Blaise came running up to us looking panicked.

"WILLOW!" He yelled stopping in Infront of me.

"Yes, Blaise?" I asked so confusedly about why he looked in a hurry.

"TALK! PRIVATE! NOW!" he yelled picking me up from the floor, throwing me over his shoulder, and then running away.

"HEY! SHE WAS HELPING ME STUDY!" yelled Theodore.

"SUCK IT UP THEO!" yelled Blaise entering the castle.


I had just overheard that Willow's ex-boyfriend was trying to talk to her to convince her to get back together with him. Like, NO, he hurt her so much. HE MUST BE SICK IF HE THINKS I'M LETTING HIM GO ANYWHERE NEAR MY "BABY SISTER" (All the guys call her their sister).

I heard he was going to talk to her in the Courtyard while she was studying with Theo. She still hasn't gotten over the fact that he cheated. It's sad to see Willow crying over a guy that turned her world around.

I didn't want her to be upset today, so I decided to take her to the Astronomy Tower where Enzo was also at. We figured we could distract her by hanging out there, waiting to see the sunset and the Stars.

While we were waiting she was questioning why I dragged her out of the Courtyard. I told her it was so She, Enzo, and I could watch the sunset and look at the stars, which was true, but I made sure to leave out the part that I was getting her away from Diggory.


Blaise, and Enzo have been acting too weird since we got here. Like it was a type of weird that they were trying to avoid something weird. Not to mention that every time I tried asking them what was going on they brushed it off saying it was nothing or to not worry about it.

I had gotten a notification on my phone saying someone posted something on Instagram When I saw it was from one of Cedric's friends I was debating whether to see his story or not, but I did.

When I saw it, it was a video of him getting Cedric ready to try and talk to me. Cedric's friend was saying they were getting Cedric ready to apologize to me and explain what happened that day with Cho Chang.

At this point, I have had enough. Multiple people have been coming up to me trying to get me to talk to Cedric and this was finally the last straw in everything.

"Omg, it all makes sense now," I said.

"What makes sense now? asked Enzo oblivious that I know.

"You two know that Cedric was planning to tell me what happened the day he cheated on me with Chang, didn't you?" I asked now standing up indicating that I was being deadly serious.

"We may or may not have known that he was planning something," said Blaise, standing up.

"Oh, so you just brought me up here to do exactly what?" I asked now pacing back and forth.

"We brought you up here 'cause we know you're still now over him and you get emotional every time someone brings him up," said Enzo. "Ok then," I said.

I was speechless, I couldn't think straight, or talk straight, I had no idea what to do, or say. I knew I needed to talk to Cedric about all this. Yes, I wasn't ready to, but I needed to. If I didn't do it now, it will only get worse.


It took about 15 minutes to finally find Cedric under the Willow tree near the Black Lake. It was our little spot that we would always go to whenever we wanted a little peace, away from everyone. I was alone by this time since I told Blaise and Enzo that I could handle this on my own.

"Hey," I said not knowing where to start.

"Willow, Hey," said Cedric looking up at me and getting up.

"Ok, I'm tired of this," I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Cedric looking down at you with a confused expression.

" Omg, stop acting all dumb and just tell me what happened the day you cheated on me because everyone keeps telling me to listen to you and I'm sick and tired of it, so just cut to the chase already," I said now looking up at him.

"Ok so what happened is that when Cho she and Harry broke up she was heartbroken, and need a friend. So I started hanging out with her cause I felt bad she had just been through a breakup and wanted to support her through it. But that day we went into the corridors she told me she had always liked me and told me to break up with you for her. I rejected her and told her I love her. She didn't listen but instead kissed me. That's when Theodore walked in and saw us. She later told me she saw him and kissed me to make It seem like I liked her." he said looking down.

"So you don't like her?" I asked. "No, I love you, It's always been you, Willow Nott," he said now looking at me.

It all started to make sense now, EVERYTHING. That's why he tried talking to me, why Cho was getting so close to him, and why everything happened before that. She tried to steal my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, Willow, I should've just walked away right when she told me she liked me. And I should've been a better boyfriend. Could you ever forgive me?" He asked taking my hand in his.

"Of course, I can Ced, I love you," I said.

" I love you more," he said, kissing me right after.

We got back together, and my boys soon learned to live with it again. But I can't say they didn't keep an eye on Cedric from then on.


This is my 4tth chapter, and I am so sorry for taking so long. But I will try to write more and more whenever I can. I have so many more ideas for Imagines, but If you have any requests on what you want to read, please let me know.

If any ideas are smut, abusive, etc., please let me know. I will be putting a warning either on the title at the beginning of the chapter.

1212 words.

Cedric Diggory Imagines (Willow Nott x Cedric Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now