10. The Boy Next Door

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Willow Nott and her older brother Theodore Nott lived in a small 2-story house together. Their parents had passed away when they were young, but when Theodore came of age he took custody of his younger sister. Willow was neighbors with Cedric Diggory, but all Willow ever knew about him was that he was popular and a year above you. You've heard from people about him being a player, but you were never too sure to confirm anything. This story starts with Willow being outside on a cool summer day, the sun is shining and she is peacefully painting a few flowers when a special someone lands on top of her when she is busy getting a Lily Flower.



Today had started like any other normal Summer day, except for the fact that it looked too peaceful outside, and the flowers in the garden were calling out for me to paint them.

Theo was at work in the Ministry, so it was just me home alone. While outside I had set up all my canvases, brushes, paints, and cups. While setting everything up I could see my neighbor, Cedric Diggory throwing a football around with his mates. Might I add that they were a tad bit annoying? Well, never mind the idiotic little boys.

While walking to the flower someone had TACKLED ME!

"AH!" I yell falling to the ground with someone. A loud thud could be heard from the impact of the boy's weight on me.

"Oh my Merlin, I am so sorry Willow, let me help you up," offered Cedric.


"No thank you, I can manage just fine on my own," I spat at him, collecting myself and going over to the flowers.

I whisper under my breath for only me to hear, "Ugh stupid, stupid, stupid, little boys,"

I must say, my arm did start hurting once I adjusted to my body moving. I probably shouldn't pay any mind to it anyway.

I quickly collected my perfect Lily flower and headed to start my painting.


Oh no, god im so stupid. Does she hate me now? I hope not, she seems like a nice girl.

"You ok Ced?" asked my friend, Blake.

"Nah mate, I feel really bad for tackling her," I said looking over my shoulder to now see Willow sketching a flower.

"Have you tried apologizing just now?" he asked.

This mother fucker.

"Yes I tried saying sorry to her, I even offered to help her up, but she gave me a nasty comment like I wasn't needed," I told Blake.

"Damn, dude," he said. "But how do you even know her name? Like I know she goes to school with us, but I've never seen you talk to her before," said Blake.

"She's my goddamn neighbor, you dumbass," I said smacking him upside the head.

"Ouch, jeez, if you like her just say so dude, no need to get all stuck up," said Blake.

"What? Dude calm down. I hardly know her, plus she's younger than me." I told Blake.

We started heading inside the house since Blake needed to leave.

"Look, all I'm saying dude, is that the way you felt sympathy for her, it wasn't just nothing. You wouldn't do that to any other girl, you would just shove it off and go on with your day, but with Willow, we are still talking about her," said Blake.

Once Blake left it got me thinking. Is that why I always felt weird every time I saw her at school? I looked out the window to see her still painting, she looked so peaceful like she was in her world enjoying life. I've never seen her so calm. At school, she just ignores everyone other than her friends.

Without knowing what my body was doing, it started to take me to her.


After a while, Cedric and his friend left, finally peace. A few minutes passed by and I saw Cedric walking towards me, ugh.

"Hey," he says. He looks awkward and nervous all at the same time.

"Hi, "I answer dryly.

"Mind if I sit with you?" he asked gently.

Well, that's a shock. I've lived in this house since I was 12, I'm 16 now, and in all this time, Cedric has never dared to speak to me. Even at school, AND WE ARE IN THE SAME HOUSE.

"Um, sure," I say, not wanting to be as rude to him as I am in my mind.

"I just wanted to say I am extremely sorry for tackling you, it was never my intention to hurt you or to do anything to you. It was a genuine accident.' He said.

Huh, Cedric seems genuine about this.

"It's fine," I say, going back to my sketching. All I was doing now was sharpening everything and prepping the canvas to lay out everything and paint.

"I have a question," Cedric says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Why Flowers? I mean out of anything you could've painted, you always paint Lily Flowers," he states.

"How do you know I always paint Lily Flowers?" I ask him.

The only people who know that are my friends and Theo. Has he been stalking me?!?!?!?!?

"I've seen you over these past few years. It always happens during the summertime," he says.

Wow. I didn't even think he knew my name before today happened.

"Well, before my mom died, she had Lily flowers all around the house. I remember my dad would come home at least twice a week with a full bouquet of them. I paint them in remembrance of her. Every painting I've ever made is on the wall in the house, Theodore suggested hanging up." I said prepping everything.

"I think that's beautiful, that you paint Lily flowers for your mom," Cedric says.

"Thank you," I said, giving him a slight smile.

I continued everything and soon got to painting. After 3 hours I was finally done with painting. Looking out into the open a sunset could be seen.

I always loved seeing it after painting.

"Can I ask you something? And you have to promise you won't freak out," he says smirking.

"Okay?" I question.

"Would you go out on a date with me?" He asked.


I did not expect this out of everything.

"I would love to, but... why?" I asked confused as to why he would ask me out.

"I've always wanted to go out with you, but I never got the courage to do so," He says looking from the sunset to me.

"Okay then," I say looking back at the sunset.

"So, where do you plan on taking me on this date?" I asked looking at him and leaning back on my hands.

"That is a surprise and a secret. All you need to know is that you need to be ready tomorrow by 2 pm. I plan on spending the entire day with you," He said leaning back on his hand in the same position as me, smiling at me.

"Okay then, Diggory. I'm looking forward to it," I say.

"So am I," he says.


I would like to apologize for not uploading anything in a while. I've been busy with school and other things. Most focus on my studies.

I am currently on Christmas break and have been spending a lot of my time with family.

If you have any suggestions feel free to ask.

Love you all:))))

1259 words.

Cedric Diggory Imagines (Willow Nott x Cedric Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now