Prologue - A completely normal and uneventful day

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The loud THUNK of an arrow hitting a bullseye can be heard followed by momentous applause opens the scene .

"And that bullseye essentially seals it folks!" The commentator of the inter-school archery contest announced. "After Regan Erebus's excellent shots, Raiden High leads against Murakama High by 29 points!"

A/N: So I forgot the name of the actual Bakugan City and I can't find the name of it. Soooo gonna go with Murakama until somebody tells me otherwise! Also I put Regan in because I could and I plan on doing a reset of RWBY eventually now, I've had some better ideas that I could use.

In the Murakama waiting room, a girl of around 16 years of age with icy blue hair was sitting and waiting for her name to be called as she let out a sigh of anticipation. She only had 3 arrows, meaning she would need a perfect score to secure a victory for Murakama.

"You know that you're the best of our team, right Grace?" A voice spoke as the girl looked over her shoulder to see Reinara Matiaba, the principal of Murakama academy, looking at her. "None of us will blame you if we lose, so just give it your all ok?"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Principal." The blue haired girl, now identified as Grace said with a small smile before gaining a determined look. "But don't worry....I'll win. The school needs the prize money after all."

Reinara gained a small smile as Grace said this. "Thank you, Grace. No matter the outcome here, I'll do my best to ensure you're fairly compensated for your generosity."

Grace chuckled at this and stood up. "Oh really Principal, I'm not that generous." Grace told her as Reinara looked confused. "I'm actually doing this for quite selfish reasons."

As Grace told Reinara this, the voice of the announcer came through the speakers once again.

"And now for the final contestant in the tournament, it's Murakama High's Grace Orion!"

Loud cheers could be heard as Grace grabbed her bow and headed out of the changing room and towards the field with Reinara tailing behind her. "Selfish reason? What selfish reason could you have for this."

The blue haired girl gained a small smile as she looked to the crowd and saw a ginger boy of around the age of 10 waving a flag with the Murakama High school logo on it and shouting in support of her before looking over her shoulder towards Reinara. "Because my brother loves the school, and I won't break his heart by letting it be shut down."

Reinara smiled at this response as she patted Grace on the shoulder. "He only loves the school so much because you're here, Grace. But by all means, go ahead, save our school."

As Grace walked towards the firing line she gave a thumbs up as she responded. "That's the plan Principal." Before looking out towards the target.

The archery competition made use of recurve bows, meaning that the target was around 70 meters away with the 10-ring having a diameter of around 12.2cm.

To win the competition for the school, she would have to land all 3 of her arrows in that area to win.

On paper this was an almost impossible task, indeed, many people would give up upon hearing these odds. But not Grace.

Grace was considered a protégé when it came to Archery and was by far the best in the Murakama Archery club, which is why they had left her to last. It meant that, if they were far behind, they could rely on their ace if the need be.

Grace gripped the recurve bow as she began to nook her arrow, the conditions of the day were perfect for archery. There was little to no wind and the cloud coverage was in such a way that she had perfect visibility of the target.

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