Chapter 2 - A totally strange and eventful few days

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A/N: While doing research on the timeline of the 3rd Honkai Eruption I found that the high I thought had been Senba High (being the one Kiana and Mei were enrolled at when the 3rd Honkai Eruption was triggered) is actually known as Chiba High. So from this point on I'm fixing that.

Also this chapter will mostly be a summary chapter, as we haven't got much information of what happens at Chiba High, only brief overviews. This is a lot of the case with stuff surrounding the 3rd Honkai Eruption such as Kiana and Mei's apparent battle and victory against Yae Sakura and the Herrscher of Corruption.

Grace was walking down the street in her new school uniform. She had left her stuff at the small apartment that Joachim had indicated was hers, having found the key hidden under a rug outside of it.

She was now heading towards the highschool that Joachim had said to go to. From what little info she could gather, it seemed that Chiba High was a school for the more affluent in life. This certainly killed Grace's hopes of there being an archery club there, but she knew that Joachim would have told her to go to this school for a reason.

And so she was, if she had judged time correctly she'd get there in-time to find her classroom. She couldn't help but wonder, however, how Joachim had seemed to insert her so seamlessly into this was almost as though she had really existed here to begin with.

But that, unfortunately, couldn't be the case. After all, this wasn't Murakama City. She had no way of seeing if her family existed here but.....she wasn't hopeful.

So she continued walking and, about 15 minutes later, she arrived at Chiba High. All in all, the place didn't seem that bad. The buildings seemed up-to date and spacious and, from what she could tell, it seemed like the community was nice. Of course time would tell if that was just a false front however.

So she found out what class she was in and was instructed by the teacher to wait outside, after being told she could come in she did and was asked to introduce herself.

This was something she had not had much time to plan for, so as such she had to think really fast, but she came up with the best she could.

"Hi, I'm Grace Orion. I'm not really from around here, so I'll probably take a while to adjust, but I hope we can get along!" She said with a smile.

After Grace's introduction there were hushed whispers among the other members of the class; clearly discussing the new girl who stood before them.

And so began Grace's first day at Chiba High.

All in all, the day wasn't that eventful, but it did hurt Grace's self-esteem quite a bit. It appeared that nobody really wanted to include her in their already established friend groups, but she had noticed something extremely odd.

It appeared that she was not the only outcast from the friend groups of the other members of Chiba High, as a purple and white haired girl would always be away from the other members of the group.

She considered going to talk to them on her first day, but she relented as it was nearly the end of the day and she wanted to focus on her work for the rest of that day. She decided to ask them during lunch time tomorrow.

When she arrived back at her apartment, she took out the laptop that Joachim had left for her and decided to search up news surrounding Nagazora.

She managed to find out that apparently a little over 2 months ago a man named Raiden Ryoma, who was the head of ME corp which was apparently a huge computer company, was accused of and arrested for economic crimes and fraud. This meant that a woman called Cocolia was now in charge of the companies mostly frozen assets.

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