Part 9 - Return to Murakama

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"I can't hit the target at all!" Kiana complained as she missed another shot when trying to replicate Grace's style of shooting in archery. "This is nothing like gun-kata at all!"

"That's because a bow and a gun are two very different weapons." Grace explained to Kiana while she retrieved the arrows that Kiana had shot "It takes time to get used to a bow, especially when moving from something like pistols."

"Yeah...but...I wanna be as good as you are so I can impress Mei..." Kiana muttered as Grace giggled

"The things you'll do to impress Mei...." Grace commented before passing Kiana her arrows back "Let me tell you something that might change your outlook on things, I couldn't hit a target when I started either."

"WHAT?!" Kiana screamed in surprise and Grace nodded "No way! But you're so good now! How?!"

"Well.....when I first started, I idolised my mother and the way that she used a bow and tried to copy her style.....but no matter how hard I tried, I failed. Time after time after time I would miss the target until my mother noticed why I was failing." Grace told Kiana.

"What was it?" Kiana asked with the most interest Grace had seen her give to a topic that wasn't related to Mei.

"It was the fact I was trying to copy my mom....that made it impossible for me to hit the target." Grace stated as she smiled a little at the memory of her mother teaching her how to use a bow. "Once I stopped trying to copy her and found my own way of using a bow, I started to improve towards the point I'm at today."

"Really.....?" Kiana asked as Grace nodded "Then to get better......I need to shoot in my own way!" Kiana took out one of her dual pistols and aimed it at the target.

"Shoot the bow in your own way, Kiana, not a pistol." Grace explained to Kiana who  sheepishly put her gun away. "I knew that! Just testing you!" She giggled as Grace sighed.

From that point it took Kiana roughly 30 minutes to hit the target for the first time and then another hour to be able to hit the target consistently.

"There we go! That's great progress Kiana!" Grace exclaimed as Kiana managed to hit a bullseye for the first time and squealed in excitement.

"Oh my god I did it! I did it! I'm as good as Grace now!" Kiana exclaimed as Grace chuckled a bit.

"Well, Kiana, you still have a ways to go to be as good as me. But for your first time this is great improvement, way better than when I started learning from my mom." Grace told Kiana who was absolutely ecstatic at hearing this, but this was interrupted as the two turned to see Theresa coming through the door.

"Aunt Teri!" Kiana exclaimed "Look! Grace taught me archery!"

"Really? That's impressive, but it's actually Grace I want to talk to now if you don't mind." Theresa told the two as Grace retrieved Kiana's final arrows.

"Sure, just give me a minute to pack this stuff up." Grace told Theresa as Kiana ran off, presumably to go and boast to Mei and Bronya.

After about 5 minutes, Grace had finished cleaning up all of the archery equipment as she turned to Theresa, who had been waiting patiently. "So, what do you need Principal?"

"Well.....have a look at these." Theresa told Grace as she handed her some pictures.

While the quality of the pictures wasn't the best, Grace was able to figure out that they were of some kind of winged Honkai beast that hadn't been seen before.

[DISC] Honkai, Herrschers and Unlimited Blade Works - OC x Honkai Impact 3rdWhere stories live. Discover now