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Stars in the distance fill the void, in an endless show of grace and serenity. The atmosphere inside The commander's cabin, however, had neither of those qualities.

"Another trail gone cold!" Tad said angrily. "This is the fourth outer-rim planet we've visited and all of them point to nowhere"

The ship had been sent out to investigate suspicious activity of suspected pirates on the outer rim but so far none of them had shown up.

The hawk paced for a moment, reaching a chilling conclusion: they would have to venture into uncharted territory.

He moved towards the large windows, not used to space, its vastness both awe inspiring and crushing at the same time.

"I don't think we have a choice...." he whispered to himself, putting away the map chip and walking out of the room.

' I do suppose danger *is* what we signed up for. I'll have them set course immediately.' He thought.

A whistle signaled all hands to their stations. Anthros of all shapes and sizes hurried off left and right. A small German shepherd, an officer, barked orders at the top of his lungs."Mister Halloway, set course to the Outer Expanse."

The badger looked at his superior with a skeptical look on his face. "Is this a time for jokes, Dozu?" He said to the dog standing on the platform above him with all the sarcasm and sass he could use against a superior ranking officer.

Captain Tad looked sternly at the badger and said out loud"This is indeed not time for jokes. Set course for the Outer Rim please! My orders!"'We still need to get to the bottom of this, and our answers are there!' The hawk thought once again. He desperately wanted to help catch those crooks.


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