Reaching The Weeping Fig

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Hours passed, mostly the anthros worked in silence or made small talk about the recent events. Commander Dozu sat at the head chair of the min deck, looking directly at the constellation they were approaching, as if trying to reach into his own memories and save his friend and the true commander of the vessel from his sudden kidnapping.

A small tap on his shoulder startled the Dog and the little Mouse agent that immediately retreated her hand and squeaked.

"A-apologies Commander! I called your name three times but you weren't responding..."

Dozu waved his hand and smiled gently, dismissing her apology and giving her his full attention. The Mouse girl regained her composure and handed Dozu a shiny holographic tablet with a status report of the vessel.

"Oh! Thank you. Seems our Laser Canons are in shape."

The Mouse agent shrinked a little and asked softly

"We rarely use them but we make sure to keep them in you...plan to use them?"


The Male dog started, scratching the back of his head in thought, turning back to the giant front window of the ship.

"These people we are dealing with will almost certainly not play by the rules. We need to be prepared in case they decide they won't hand over Commander Tad peacefully"

The female Mouse shivered at the thought of battling some ragtag criminals in uncharted open space. Noticing her distress, Dozu addressed her gently

"Hey, wanna hear some stories to calm the nerves? I may not show it but I'm shaken like a leaf too"

He said with a guilty but sympathetic expression.

Just as he finished the second story, the whole ship shook and an explosion sounded from the left side of the vessel. Some standing officers fell to the floor and the computers glitched out. Commander Dozu felt the rage building in the pit of his stomach and let out a growl before yelling at the top of his lungs to his crew.

"We are under attack! locate threats and prepare for termination!"

All heads whipped to him with shock. one big old male tiger was the only one brave enough to ask.

"Offi-ahem, Commander, are you suggesting we use the Laser Cannons and...kill them?"

Dozu noticed the doubt and worry in his mates faces but his mind was set. He looked to his side and dismissed the Mouse girl to go back to her station. He then turned to the male Tiger after she ran off and said in as commanding a tone as he could muster.

"They have opened fire. We need to defend themselves, they clearly were expecting us and they did NOT prepare a warm reception. We must defend ourselves. Shoot for the wings of their ships, that way they will be immobilized, try not to shoot at the pilot cabins so we can keep casualties to the minimum. They are not going to play fair and they do not care about the lives they take. We can try to be better but if it must come to it..."

He stopped talking for a moment, looking down at the thought of sinking to the level of some space killers, but the choice was made before he even had a say in it.


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