Setting course

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Temporary Commander Dozu pointed to the left of the window panel to a congregation of stars.

"That way. I saw the lights of the kidnapping vessel disappear near that cluster of stars, the ones that look like a Weeping Fig."

The Snake woman nodded and turned to the crew, some straightening their posture, ready to hear her orders.

"You heard the dog. Search and rescue mission at the Weeping Fig constellation. Full power ahead!"

With her commanding voice giving the final order, every animal got to their stations and began to work on making the giant spaceship move fast toward the target destination. Commander Dozu perked his ears as a thought popped in his head. He signaled to a fellow officer, a tall male rat, and to the Head of the Navigation Crew. All three walked over to a small room in the ship used for cartography, the practice of drawing up and using maps.

As they entered the lights turned on and a digital map of their current position was displayed on the large table at the center of the room. All three crew members stood next to each other looking over the table, the rat and the snake awaiting Commander Dozu's orders.

"Alright. Jada, I need you to help me with the map situation. Since we are in uncharted territory we need to keep track of our steps and start naming constellations and reference points ASAP."

The snake woman nodded, turning to the map and starting to work on entering the data for their set course and the new constellation they were headed for. The small dog turned to the large rat man and spoke.

"Alan, I need you to contact Base, tell them we are not following their instructions due to an unforeseen circumstance but that we will return as soon as we are able to"

"You know they will probably take you as a criminal for this, right? We will defend you in court but when we return, especially if we are unable to rescue officer Tad, they will think you killed him and decided to take over the ship. They have been waiting for an opportunity like this to get rid of us since that phony council took over Government and Space Relations."

"I know-"

Dozu started, looking down at the floor, adrenaline making his heart pound in his ears at the truth that Officer Alan was so crudely reminding him of. But his mind was made, and he was not going to let his Commander and his friend be taken away and stay quiet about it.

"But this must be done. They are not taking my friend and getting away with it. Besides...I know Tad would do the same for any of us."

The larger furs nodded in agreement. The Snake continued her task and the Rat went off to communicate with Base. Dozu stood there looking at the map on the table, his mind whirring but determined.

"Calm down, you're gonna have a panic attack. Why don't you do that thing where you tell us a story while we wait for Alan to return?"

The snake asked quietly and Dozu nodded, sharing his selection for the week surely would calm his nerves.

"Those are really good"

Jada told her new Commander. By now Dozu had calmed his nerves and wasn't shaking like a leaf anymore. Just as he was thanking her for the compliment, Officer Alan stormed into the room, agitated and with pupils dilated to the sizes of pinheads.

"Base Command has cut us off! They will attack on sight if we return, they are calling us outlaws for not sticking to the mission!"

He shouted in his gruff voice. The dog and snake in the room wore surprised expressions with a hint of anger and resentment for the corrupt Government.

Commander Dozu fixed up his jacket and hat and walked to the door, passing by Officer Alan and speaking without turning to his crewmates.

"If they consider us outlaws, fine. I am rescuing my friend whether they like it or not. And I dare them to take down The Great Hawk with those tiny battle spaceships. Continue the plan as ordered. Alan-"

He turned to the big rat, determined as ever.

"We better share the news with the crew."


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