Mission Rescue: Start

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A few hours passed of organizing and finally, Dozu, Melody and Randal were each on a dogfight ship, crammed alongside the pilots. All six ships had been deployed, three with the agents inside and three as distractions.

"Alright, don't land us on the docs cause they'll probably shoot us on sight..."

Commander Dozu told his pilot as they zoomed around the enemy base looking for an opening or any way to enter the facility unnoticed. After a few minutes of searching from afar he noticed a maintenance door at the back of the building.

"There. Everyone, listen up."

Five screens appeared on the front window, three with the pilots only and two with the pilots and the teens, all ready to listen.

"There's a maintenance entrance. I want you all to fly in formation and shoot the area, if you can bust down the door that would be swell but if not just shaking the place should be enough to cause something to break and cause smoke. Through the haze we'll go through the broken door or break it if needed and get in. After that we need you to stay in the area to pick us up."

With those orders they put the plan in motion. The ships zoomed away around the Enemy Base, the Rescue Team ready in space suits to jump out any second.

As they passed an area with five posts pointed out a small red laser stuck itself to the side of the Ship Dozu was being carried in.

"Frick they have laser canons...Launch the attack now!!!"

All six ships aligned in a V formation and aimed toward the maintenance entrance. The Empty ships shot bullets to the area the door was located on, causing a big explosion of metal parts and a cloud of dust to form.

This was their chance.

The pilots of the carrier ships gave the signal and all three anthros got into tight missile like capsules.

Before the smoke settled, the capsules were shot at once toward the same target. The missile part of the capsules propelled them at high speed. Only a few meters before reaching the target surface, the capsules detatched and opened, the anthros inside being launched toward the wall and landing face first on it.

They all held on to what they could and closed their eyes. The second part of the missile was basically a giant flash grenade. There was a loud boom and huge bright flash.

"Turn on thermal vision on your helmets!"

Dozu barked the order and the teens complied. With the thermal vision mode the helmets vision window gained a dark tint that protected them from the light of the flash-bang but allowed them to see their movements through thermal vision.

As fast as possible they crawled from the wall to the platform of the maintenance entrance. The door had been busted, perfect.

As soon as they entered they went into a small side-room they saw in the hallway. No later had they closed the door, an alarm sounded and they heard a bang followed by silence for a few minutes, then a robotic voice spoke through some speakers.

"All Emergency exits have been closed and Escapes have been sealed. restoring Pressure and oxygen levels..."

Dozu looked around the small closet and then at the teens, who looked like blobs of orange thanks to the thermal vision.

"Ok guys. We're in."


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