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After the small perchance with the kidnapper's welcoming team, it was pretty much smooth sailing until a structure came into view. It was like a giant Bismuth crystal, square and full of winding tubes and corridors visible to the outside.

All the anthros in the ship were really tense, mostly the younger crewmates. Everyone was quietly working at their stations, all systems working and no more threats looming...for now.

"There is no way they can't tell we are coming..."

The violet scaled snake said to herself, looking straight to the destination point from her place standing next to Commander Dozu's chair.

"Maybe they want us to get closer so they can attack us easier...we may be sailing into a trap."

"Do you suggest we leave Commander?"

"No way.But...maybe a more subtle approach would guarantee us a more successful entry to this base of sorts."

With that said, they both fell quiet. Gears turning in their brains until a small voice spoke up.

"Um, C-Commander? may I make a uh...suggestion?"

They both turned to the source of the voice, a tall young honey furred rabbit boy.

"By all means, go ahead."

The boy held his hand behind his back tightly.He spoke softly and nervously but described a plan that actually sounded like a better course of action."...So if we take the smaller ships we can both distract them and infiltrate the station at the same time."

Jada and Dozu looked at each other in silent agreement. The G. Shep. turned back to the rabbit boy and nodded to him.

"Good plan. Tell the dogfight crew to prepare the ships again, and prepare to each carry an extra passenger. Now who should be the ones to go... I'm going for sure"

"I'll go with you!"

A small voice spoke from behind a door. It was Melody, the little mouse girl from the cannon maintenance crew. Before he could utter word, Dozu was interrupted by Randal, the rabbit boy.

"I wish to partake in the mission as well sir!"

"You two are aware that we are going to go into an assassin infested building where everything and everyone will be out to kill us, right?"

The younger crewmates lowered their ears a tad but looked him dead in the eye and both said loudly 'yes sir!' with determination and admittedly quite a bit of fear in their expressions.

Commander Dozu stood up from his station and started walking toward the hallway door. 

Without turning back he addressed Jada.

"Jada, you're in charge. Make sure the main vessel is out of shooting range. And make sure nobody dies if ya can. You two-"

He turned to the teens.

"come with me. we need to get the appropriate equipment for a field mission."

And with that all three anthros walked out the hallway door.

All other agents, officers and crew turned their attention back to their stations...yet one of them went unnoticed in the pressing of a button on a small device and a devious smirk on their lips that faded as soon as it formed.


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