Space Pirates Attack!

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As Officer Dozu and his Commander were crossing the Boarding Bridge back to their own vessel, a quick flash followed by a loud boom and a curtain of smoke blinded them and deafened them for a short period.


The voice of the Commander was heard in an unflattering squawk, causing Officer Dozu to look around for any threats but to no avail. Once the smoke cleared many other members of the vessel's crew had approached the Bridge, attracted by the sound of trouble.

Officer Dozu was shocked to find his Commander's hat thrown to the side and trampled on but no sign of the Hawk himself. Behind him, the crew erupted in worried whispers and some ran off to alert the rest of the crew of the kidnapping.

'This can't be happening...'

The now lonely German Shepherd thought to himself, unable to move and staring blankly at the hat on the floor. Suddenly, a glint brighter than the rest of the stars caught his eye. When he turned to look at it he noticed the small orange spot getting smaller and smaller...and making a quick left turn!

That made it click in his head. This was a trap. The abandoned vessel wasn't abandoned at all but merely bait, and they had gobbled it up like a hungry catfish. Officer Dozu knew what to do."Troop. We must rescue the commander, and probably the many others this...Cosmos Thieves, have taken. Set course for..."

He stopped for a moment. In these uncharted territories there were no names, no landmarks. 

The German Shepherd asked himself, 'What would commander Tad do in a situation like this?'

The first answer that hit his brain was 'Why, share his selection of stories for the week, of course!'

Officer Dozu took Commander Tad's hat off the ground and put it on his head with a determined glint in his eye. He turned to the troop and pointed to where he had seen the small ship make its escape.

"Set course for that clump of stars in the shape of a Weeping Fig. This is now a rescue mission."The rest of the crew nodded and whispered agreement and ran to their posts. Dozu walked over to the main deck and looked out into the vast expanse of the universe.'Don't worry Tad, we're gonna save you.'


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