chapter one

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I was getting ready to go see a local band I enjoy listening to on Friday and Saturday night my new weekend thing I guess. Me and my best friend were going to see this new local band called Greta Van Fleet.


I got a text from Taylor asking if I was ready to go I replied with a yes and that I would meet her shortly. I ran downstairs from my apartment and meet Taylor in the parking lot waiting in  the car.

"Hey girlie!" Taylor said with excitement about hanging out tonight and seeing the local band.

I got into her car and we headed towards the small local downtown bar. On the way there Taylor had the radio playing music but not too loud, we talked some but not too much. I knew she had a crush on the lead singer of the band and she was hoping to meet up with him after the show.

Me and Taylor found a place to park that wasn't long from the bar so if we got too drunk we didn't have a long distance to walk, we got into the bar moments after. The band was setting up the stage as I was finding somewhere for me and Taylor to sit close enough to the stage because I knew Taylor would want to be close to her crush.

Later on I found the perfect place for me and Taylor to sit down, I waited for her to order our food and drinks and that's when he caught my eyesight. The guy my best friend has a crush on was looking directly at me like if he was reading my soul, I caught myself lost in a daydream and slightly blushing at the fact me and him were making eye contact.

The moment died down once a bandmate of his whispered something in his ear and he glanced over at me and walked off. That's when I noticed Taylor coming over with our plate of food and two beers.

During the gig I watched how Taylor eyes would lit up when she saw her crush perform on stage along with the other members, she didn't much care for them as much as I did until I brought her here one night. Since then she comes with me.

"I really hope to God I get his number tonight" Taylor said to me while drinking some of her beer her third one for the night.

"Just don't get too drunk though or you won't be able too" I said laughing over the loud music, you couldn't really hear anyone besides them so it made it hard to talk to anyone.

I looked back at the small stage I was so close I could touch the lead singer who's name I don't quite know. I've never heard him talk before either just sing. He sings beautifully you get lost in his words.

A couple of minutes passed and the band said they'll be taking a small break before playing two more songs, once the lead singer walked off stage that's when Taylor tried to get a chance. I had to force her to go up to him due to her being too shy in the first place.

"What if he doesn't like me?" Taylor asked me while fixing her hair in the girls bathroom.

"You won't know until you actually ask him Taylor or at least try too" I said to her helping her fix any makeup that needed working on.

Before the boys got back on stage I gave Taylor another push and she finally had it in her to go talk to that lead singer she's dying over. I just sat back down at our table and watched from a distance, hoping everything worked in her favor.

Next thing I knew Taylor was walking back to the table with a huge smile painted on her face and small piece of folded up paper with a name on it.

"How did it go?" I asked Taylor hoping she'll give me all the details.

"He gave me his number!!" Taylor squealed while showing me the piece of paper.

"Josh Kiszka?" I said with a small laugh while sipping my cold beer, as I was looking around for this Josh Kiszka. The curly hair hippie.

Superstar  ~ Josh Kiszka ~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat