chapter seven

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Several days passed just like clockwork I didn't see much of Josh I never answered his texts or calls not even the ones I would receive from Sam. I wanted to be left alone in my own thoughts like any other broken person would.

I went to work and done my job just to come home and shower to go straight to bed. Everyday was like that for the next month and a half.

Well until I heard a knock on the door one evening while watching a movie in the living room not because I was interested in it but just because I wanted to pass time.

More knocking on the door sounded like someone was trying to tear it down.

"In a minute" I shouted while getting up from my couch making my way to the door as the knocking stopped.

As I opened the door to my own surprise it was Sam.

"Sam please just leave me alone" I begged him putting my hand up to my forehead.

I was scared Josh or Jake would jump out any minute now.

"We need to talk... about that night" Sam demanded as he helped himself into my apartment.

I turned around after I closed the door I didn't feel up to talking about that night at the club ever again. I hated Josh for leading me on the way he did and how Jake was jealous of us and was plotting to ruin something so beautiful.

"I can't talk about it Sam it's difficult for even myself to understand" I told Sam hoping that would change his mind and make him leave.

"I'm not leaving, like I said we need to talk. No sit down Hannah" Sam snapped at me now getting tired of me poking around.

I came to the living room where he was standing and we both sat down on the couch, the room full of silence due to my fear of finding out the truth about something right or wrong.

"What you saw at the club was real. Josh was dancing with Taylor. But what Jake said, I'm not sure about it. When the twins are drunk they can be stupid as you can see" Sam started to explain to me every word he said felt like Josh was stabbing me in the stomach while he made Sam say everything he should've been man enough to say to my face.

"It sounds like a excuse to me" I said harshly towards Sam and getting up to go to the kitchen.

I stood at the sink with tears wanting to break free from my eyes but I wouldn't allow it.

"Can you just listen to me?" Sam asked while coming in the kitchen as he was standing by the fridge.

Our eyes met I wanted to breakdown but held myself together somehow.

"It's not you Sam if that's what your thinking, it's Josh and how I was a fool to allow him in my life knowing it was wrong on many levels" I answered Sam this time I cried.

I allowed myself to cry after crying so many times before in the past month.

Sam came to embrace me in his arms as my head fell on his chest and my sobs becoming louder.

As much as I love Sam just by seeing him today I wish it was Josh instead, I needed his arms around me. I needed his words to comfort me through this time of wanting to leave this city and start somewhere else.

Sam stroked my hair trying his best to make everything feel okay again but I didn't know when it'll be or if it'll happen.

I looked up at Sam my eyes bloodshot from crying and losing sleep over a love that was silly and pointless.

"I thought he loved me and we thought about making it official but didn't want nobody to know" I said to Sam with more tears rolling down my face. I looked away from him and down at the floor bitting down my lip holding it together.

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