chapter two

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After a night of daydreaming I finally found some sleep but three hours wasn't long enough, I got up with the sun when the clock next to my bed said 6:45am. During the night I got a text from Josh asking for Taylor's address for her place but I told him just bring her over to mine instead.

I haven't heard from him since.

Before I started working on the apartment I made myself some coffee because I needed coffee more than anything this morning. As I was waiting for my coffee in the coffee maker I kept replaying Josh's words in my mind yet again. I'll never get over it.

Once my coffee was done I went to the living room and decided to play a Elvis record. The music from the speakers was lightly filling the room as I was drinking my coffee. I turned on my phone to check the time and see that Josh had sent me a text a hour ago. I probably didn't realize it or didn't hear it due to being lost in my thoughts.


Josh - you awake?

Hannah - yeah, just drinking my coffee first

I knew Josh would reply instantly so I keep the conversation open and watched him type.

Josh - oh nice. also good morning Hannah! I'll be there in 30 minutes

Hannah - good morning to you too and sounds good


After talking to Josh through text I jumped off the couch sat my coffee mug on the table and went to change into better clothing than just a tank top and shorts. I left the Elvis record playing in the living room, I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth before I went back to the living room.

30 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and a male and female talking, I rushed out of my room and went to open the door. And there he was Josh Kiszka the man who rented my mind last night.

Taylor was hanging from his arms lost in him just like I was, lovestruck just the same as me.

"Here help yourself in" I said to Josh helping him carry Taylor in the my small apartment.

"Nice place you have and pretty amazing album you have playing" Josh said smiling pointing over at my Elvis vinyl that I left in the record player.

"Thanks.... I love his music" I said to Josh as we sat Taylor down on the couch she was drunker than she was last night.

Once Josh laid Taylor down on the couch and I gave him a blanket I saw the kiss marks on his neck, I looked away and started walking towards the kitchen to refill my coffee mug.

I look through the corner of my eye to see Josh standing at the table with his hands in his pockets.

I didn't much like the silence so I decided to speak up and talk to him.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked Josh while getting my coffee mug and walking over to the fridge.

"No I haven't but you don't have to cook me anything I'll pick up something on my way home" Josh answered me being shy with his answer I could tell by his face.

"I don't mind Josh and you can sit down don't worry about it" I said to Josh pulling out a chair for him to sit down in.

I pulled out some eggs for breakfast for me to make and I made Josh some coffee as well. I threw some bread in the toaster. As I was cooking I played my Elvis vinyl again because knowing Josh liked Elvis made me enjoy it even more than before.

As I was cooking breakfast for me and Josh I heard Josh singing to himself I smiled to myself and bit down on my lower lip.

"Here's your breakfast" I said to Josh handing him his plate of eggs and toast.

Superstar  ~ Josh Kiszka ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin